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Protest Song Competition! World Premiere in London - Performance Voyage 7

The Finnish Institute in London and the Artists’ Association MUU present PROTEST FACTORY, an artist and activist event on Saturday 29 April in Hackney Wick, London.

PROTEST FACTORY encourages participants to seize their own space through art activism. The event kicks off with a DIY protest workshop, followed by a panel debate and the world premiere of Performance Voyage 7, a collection of international video performances, curated by MUU, on the theme of Protest Song Competition! The afterparty features performances by the artists Heidi Kilpeläinen/HK119 (FIN/UK) and Kikka Rytkönen (FIN).

Protest songs are typically associated with movements calling for social change, and this ethos comes across strongly in the selection of works in Performance Voyage 7. The video performances reflect current political and social phenomena widely, and defend personal, environmental, political, and philosophical spaces through art. The participating artists are Kuesti Fraun, Kim Dotty Hachmann & Steffi Simmen, Sasha Huber & Petri Saarikko, Heidi Kilpeläinen, Francois Knoetze, Timo Kokko, Paweł Korbus, Vik Laschenov, Elin Magnusson, Elena Mazzi, Iwona Ogrodzka, Ignacio Pérez Pérez, Arja Renell, Kikka Rytkönen, Julia Schicker, Jukka Silokunnas, Niko Skorpio and Elizabeth Wurst.

The collection was curated by Heidi Kilpeläinen (artist), Jaakko Nousiainen (Head of Arts & Culture, Finnish Institute in London) and Timo Soppela (Director, MUU).

Reserve your seat to the video screening on

The world premiere of Performance Voyage 7 at PROTEST FACTORY will be followed by the Irish premiere at the Temple Bar Gallery+Studios in Dublin on 3 May. After these premiere events, Performance Voyage 7 will go on a world tour of 15 locations in Scandinavia, Continental Europe and North America. Performance Voyage 7 is supported by the City of Helsinki Cultural Office.

PROTEST FACTORY takes place in Hackney Wick, which is known for its vibrant artist community and its struggle against gentrification and development plans that threaten the future of the area as an open creative space. The event is produced by the Finnish Institute of London with the Artist’ Association MUU, in collaboration with Save Hackney Wick, Stour Space and Live Art Developing Agency (LADA).

24 April 2017
from 4pm forward
Hackney Wick, London, UK

Event info:


Timo Soppela
Artists Association MUU
+358 9 625 972

Jaakko Nousiainen
Head of Arts & Culture
Finnish Institute in London
+44 20 3764 5090



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MUU ry
MUU ry
Taiteilijajärjestö MUU ry / MUU Galleria, Lönnrotinkatu 33

09 625 972

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