MUU Gallery at Material Art Fair, Mexico City 8-11 Feb, 2018 - MATERIAL ART FAIR

MUU Gallery has been invited to participate in the Material Art Fair, the leading art fair in Latin America. MUU is the only Finnish gallery invited to the fair, while the Andréhn-Schiptjenko Gallery from Stockholm is the only gallery taking part from the other Nordic countries.
The Material Art Fair will be organised for the fifth time in 2018. The fair will take place between 8 and 11 February at Frontón México, an Art Deco sports arena. The arena, completed in 1929, was designed by the architects Teodoro Kinhard and Joaquín Capilla. Abandoned for two decades, the Frontón has recently been returned to its former glory as a part of a massive restoration programme overseen by Mexico’s National Institute of Fine Arts.
The 2018 Material Art Fair will be the largest yet, with 78 galleries from 18 countries and 33 cities. The second week of February is the most important week for contemporary art in Mexico City. Thanks to its energy and colourful atmosphere, the Material Art Fair has become to symbolise all cultural life in the city. The fair is an important event for curators, collectors, artists and friends of contemporary art.
Participating in the Material Art Fair is an important new opening for MUU in Latin America. At the fair, Muu Gallery will present Annika Rauhala's video work Jouha (Riot Police) which deals with the militarisation of Finnish riot police in the context of broader social change. Her work is a brazen reversal of roles that turns an ultra masculine subject into an object for the sexualising gaze. A four-channel installation version of Jouha was acquired by the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma at the 2017 Art Fair Suomi event.
During the art fair in Mexico, MUU will also present the Performance Voyage 7 collection of international video performances in Mexico City. Mexican artists will also present their art and activities at the "No Me Puedo Resistir (I could not resist)" event, which will be organised on 7 February 2018 at the Pandeo cultural centre.
Timo Soppela
+358 (0)9 625 972

About MUU ry

Taiteilijajärjestö MUU ry / MUU Galleria, Lönnrotinkatu 33
09 625 972http://www.muu.fi
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