The Children’s Museum Festival offers a fresh line-up of fun activities for the whole family at WeeGee and the revamped Leikki and Kruunu Museums

This year’s festival will take place at Exhibition Centre WeeGee, EMMA and KAMU Espoo City museums and the newly renovated Leikki Museum of Play and Kruunu Museum of Horology and Jewellery across the yard. Visit the exhibitions to discover more about the beloved characters created by children’s author Mauri Kunnas, learn about history and the story of handicrafts, be inspired by art and design, and don’t forget to drop in at our laboratory of play!
The theme of this year’s performances and workshops is ‘New Tricks’. There will be workshops for kids aged 4-10 (and adult companions) inviting you to visualize what it would be like to fly over the rooftops, laugh at jokes told by our whispering booth, or stop to chat with our fun art investigator duo.
Live performances will be staged on both days of the festival, and you can join in whenever you feel like it at whatever time suits you. Mirkka and Luis, selected as band of the year at the 2002 Jellonagala Children's Music Awards, will have both children and adults singing, laughing and dancing along with their lively performances. Janne and Marko, otherwise known as the Höpinätötterö children’s music duo from Tampere, have put together a witty show featuring their own songs and offering fun and laughs for the whole family. Hevosenkenkä Theater brings to life the famous characters of Mauri Kunnas in performances of their Mr Clutterbuck musical at the WeeGee Exhibition Centre.
The festival is easy to reach by subway. All the festival venues are within walking distance of Tapiola station, at Ahertajantie 3 and 5.
The Children’s Museum Festival is organized by Exhibition Centre WeeGee, EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, the Leikki Museum of Play, KAMU Espoo City Museum and the Kruunu Museum of Horology and Jewellery, with the participation of the Espoo School of Art and the Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth. Produced with the kind support of AFRY.
Exhibition Centre WeeGee, the Leikki Museum of Play in and the Kruunu Museum of Horology and Jewellery are offering a special combi-discount. If you pay the full admission fee for adults (€20 for WeeGee, and €16 for the Leikki and Kruunu combi-ticket), you can get a 20% discount on admission to other museums by presenting your cash receipt at the ticket office. Visitors under 18 and over 70 and Museum Card holders always enjoy free admission!
Iris SuomiMarkkinointiviestinnän suunnittelija / Marketing Communications Designer
About EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art
EMMA – Espoon modernin taiteen museon kokoelma- ja näyttelytoiminta profiloituu kotimaiseen ja kansainväliseen modernismiin, nykytaiteeseen sekä designiin. EMMA sijaitsee Espoon Tapiolassa, professori Aarno Ruusuvuoren suunnittelemassa betoniarkkitehtuuria edustavassa Näyttelykeskus WeeGeessä. Näyttelytilat ovat pinta-alaltaan Suomen suurimmat, ja pelkistetty moderni arkkitehtuuri tukee EMMAn, Saastamoisen säätiön ja Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Säätiön kokoelmien sekä vaihtuvien näyttelyiden kokemuksellista esittämistä. Tervetuloa!
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Danish Royal Couple Visited EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art5.3.2025 13:00:00 EET | Press release
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The art prize established by the Fine Arts Academy of Finland Foundation in 2013 has been awarded for the sixth time. The 2025 prize has been granted to four artists, announced at a press conference held at EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art on Tuesday, 25 February 2025. For the first time, the prize was awarded to multiple artists. The main prize was granted to visual artist and filmmaker Axel Straschnoy (b. 1978), while visual artists Kaija Hinkula (b. 1984), Johanna Lonka (b. 1975), and Bita Razavi (b. 1983) were also honoured with an award.
Axel Straschnoy, Kaija Hinkula, Johanna Lonka och Bita Razavi får Stiftelsen Finlands konstakademis pris25.2.2025 15:10:00 EET | Pressmeddelande
Bildkonstpriset som Stiftelsen Finlands konstakademi instiftade år 2013 har delats ut för sjätte gången. År 2025 har priset tilldelats fyra konstnärer vars namn offentliggjordes vid en presskonferens på EMMA – Esbo moderna konstmuseum tisdagen den 25 februari 2025. Det är första gången som priset delas mellan flera konstnärer. Huvudpriset tilldelas bildkonstnären och filmregissören Axel Straschnoy (f. 1978), och dessutom delas pris ut till bildkonstnärerna Kaija Hinkula (f. 1984), Johanna Lonka (f. 1975) och Bita Razavi (f. 1983).
Suomen taideakatemian säätiön palkinnon saavat Axel Straschnoy, Kaija Hinkula, Johanna Lonka ja Bita Razavi25.2.2025 15:10:00 EET | Tiedote
Suomen taideakatemian säätiön vuonna 2013 perustama taidepalkinto jaettiin kuudennen kerran. Vuonna 2025 palkinto on myönnetty neljälle taiteilijalle, jotka julkistettiin tiedotustilaisuudessa EMMA – Espoon modernin taiteen museossa tiistaina 25. helmikuuta 2025. Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta, kun palkinto jaettiin useammalle taiteilijalle. Pääpalkinto myönnettiin kuvataiteilija ja elokuvaohjaaja Axel Straschnoylle (s. 1978), jonka lisäksi palkinnon saivat kuvataitelijat Kaija Hinkula (s. 1984), Johanna Lonka (s. 1975) ja Bita Razavi (s. 1983).
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