YetiCare Oy

Health technology also supports care workers' occupational well-being - YetiCare part of the TYÖHYVE project

YetiCare Oy was involved in the TYÖHYVE (Promoting occupational well-being in the elderly care homes) project implemented by Lapland University of Applied Sciences in 2022. Based on the results gained during the project, health technology can positively influence the well-being of residents and employees in care homes. As stated by the survey carried out in the project, three out of four nurses who used the health technology of Finnish YetiCare felt that it also supported their occupational well-being.
Image of the use of YetiCare health technology.
Image of the use of YetiCare health technology.

Lapland UAS implemented the TYÖHYVE project during the years 2020-2022. The goals were to promote the well-being and productivity of people and work communities operating in the social and healthcare sector and utilize technological solutions to increase occupational well-being, among others. The project investigated the impact of health technology, especially in care homes, where employees were able to try different applications used in everyday life. Finnish YetiCare and its large-sized, Android-based Yetitablet, equipped with an easy-to-use user interface and versatile applications, were chosen as a technology solution. 

The health technology was used to activate physically and 
stimulate mentally - individually and in groups

The Yetitablet touch screen equipped with the YetiCare service package travelled during the project in seven different care homes in the Lapland region. After the test period, the nurses of the participating units talked about their experiences. A total of 27 care workers answered the survey.

"The use of YetiCare's health technology was felt to improve the participation of the elderly, as residents who had not previously participated in joint activities were also attracted to the devices," says lecturer Sari Arolaakso from Lapland UAS, delighted with the experiences gained from the TÖHYVE project.

"In the care homes, our Yetitablet touch screen was in active use and was utilized for organizing versatile individual and group activities. The Yetitablet was used, for example, for stimulating the senses, on memory trips, solving sudoku together, and enjoying music and drawing. In addition to that, Yetitablet was also suitable for physical activation, such as playing together and exercising," says CEO Maria Jokelainen about the role of the YetiCare in the project.

Statements from users also tell about the versatile benefits obtained with the help of well-being technology.

"Many customers liked Yetitablet so much that they were waiting to play with it again. An absolutely great option to arrange recreational activities for seniors with."

"I have always believed that, for example, computer games are useful for both young and old. Young people learn a lot, and the elderly get to activate their brains. With the elderly, I have called going to the Yetitablet for a brain workout. It also allows old and those in bad shape to work effortlessly with their hands."

"I have enjoyed seeing how the elderly have enjoyed playing together around Yetitablet."

YetiCare health technology supports the well-being 
of both care workers and residents

Three out of four nurses who answered the survey felt that using YetiCare health technology supports their well-being at work, and more than 80% felt that YetiCare supports the well-being of residents. According to the respondents, the most essential things promoting well-being at work were the support of their own work and the experience of an increase in the well-being of the residents.

"Care workers considered YetiCare to speed up and diversify the activity planning and provide a versatile tool to support the well-being of residents. Also, the residents' activeness, cheerfulness and moments of success had a positive impact on the care workers' well-being. According to the project, it looks like the well-being of the care home residents and employees is closely connected," Sari Arolaakso sums up the results gained from the TYÖHYVE project.

"The project has already yielded a sequel to the Gerontological Rehabilitation and Gerontechnology study module of Lapland UAS, for instance. During the autumn, the students also got to try how the smaller Yetitablet can help activate and rehabilitate seniors in their homes. This was a new opening and a continuation of the cooperation realized during the TYÖHYVE project. In addition, we are already planning a new project, which will explore more possibilities of technological solutions in activating the elderly", Arolaakso reveals.

Maria Jokelainen is also satisfied with the results of the project. "Over the years, we have often heard feedback about the positive impact of our health technology on occupational well-being. Participating in the project and the results obtained from the research gave us concrete proof that this is indeed the case." 

“ We have also received valuable information from the research of the TYÖHYVE project, which we can use for the further development of our own service and for strengthening the characteristics that especially affect well-being at work,” Jokelainen continues.




Image of the use of YetiCare health technology.
Image of the use of YetiCare health technology.
Maria Jokelainen, CEO, YetiCare Oy
Maria Jokelainen, CEO, YetiCare Oy
Sari Arolaakso, Ttm, Lecturer, Lapland UAS
Sari Arolaakso, Ttm, Lecturer, Lapland UAS

About YetiCare Oy

YetiCare Oy
YetiCare Oy
Nihtisillantie 3
02630 Espoo

YETICARE OY is a Finnish technology company that develops comprehensive health technology for the health and social care sector. The company started in 2015 when it was Yetitablet, a healthcare sector-focused business unit of Kuori Oy, which manufactures advanced touchscreen solutions. In 2022, YetiCare Oy separated into its own company. The YetiCare health technology package includes a large Android-based Yetitablet touchscreen, an easy-to-use user interface and versatile YetiCare applications designed for the social and healthcare sector.

The TYÖHYVE (Promoting occupational well-being in care homes) project implemented by the Lapland University of Applied Sciences aimed to promote the well-being and work productivity of personnel and work communities working in elderly care homes by developing operational models of work organization as well as appropriate everyday nursing work practices, methods and work tools. In addition, the goal has been to reduce the physical and psychological burden of work. More than 220 employees from 13 care home units producing elderly services from five municipalities in the Meri-Lappi region have participated in the project. The ESF-funded project started on 1 March 2020 and ended on 31 December 2022. The final publication can be found here. 

You can read more about the TYÖHYVE project in the article "Technology brings meaningfulness in everyday life of nursing homes", and in addition, measures and results can also be followed on the blog Reshaping of Elderly Work, where project experts write about current topics. The blog is part of the "Researched knowledge theme year 2021" events.


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Välfärdstekniken stödjer även vårdpersonalens välbefinnande i arbetet - YetiCare del av TYÖHYVE-projektet13.3.2023 13:54:24 EET | Pressmeddelande

YetiCare Oy deltog i projektet TYÖHYVE (Främjande av personalens välmående på äldreboenden) som genomfördes av Lapplands yrkeshögskola 2022. Baserat på resultaten från projektet, kan välfärdsteknik positivt påverka välbefinnandet för de boende och anställda på vård- och omsorgsboenden. Från enkäterna som genomfördes i projektet framgår det att tre av fyra sjuksköterskor som använde den finska YetiCares välfärdsteknik, upplevde att den också främjade personalens arbetsmiljö och välmående på jobbet.

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