Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

NHG is growing in the Nordics – acquires Precuris in Sweden

Nordic Healthcare Group acquires Sweden-based company Precuris. Their expertise in implementing, supporting and project management of new technologies and ways of working in healthcare will complement NHG’s offering in Sweden and the Nordics. Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) and Precuris are both advisory companies focusing on clients in healthcare and life sciences. The acquisition was signed last week.
NHG acquires Precuris. Signing with Magnus Gink, CEO NHG Sweden, Vesa Kämäräinen, cofounder and board member NHG and Preben Andreassen, CEO Precuris.
NHG acquires Precuris. Signing with Magnus Gink, CEO NHG Sweden, Vesa Kämäräinen, cofounder and board member NHG and Preben Andreassen, CEO Precuris.

- We are pleased to welcome Precuris to NHG. Our strategy is to grow in the Nordics and constantly increase our capabilities to support our clients throughout the healthcare and life sciences ecosystem, commented Magnus Gink, CEO for NHG Sweden. 

Precuris has profound expertise in the implementation of new solutions and project management, for example in transformation and change processes in health and social care. Their client portfolio includes a large number of hospitals and regions in Sweden, including Region Skåne, Capio S:t Göran, Capio Sverige, Region Dalarna and Karolinska University Hospital. 

- We are excited, this is fantastic! We were not on the lookout for buyers, but when NHG approached us, we couldn’t say no to a strong actor in the field bringing us opportunities for a larger service offering supported by data insights and analytics, said Preben Andreassen, CEO for Precuris.




NHG acquires Precuris. Signing with Magnus Gink, CEO NHG Sweden, Vesa Kämäräinen, cofounder and board member NHG and Preben Andreassen, CEO Precuris.
NHG acquires Precuris. Signing with Magnus Gink, CEO NHG Sweden, Vesa Kämäräinen, cofounder and board member NHG and Preben Andreassen, CEO Precuris.

About Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

Nordic Healthcare Group Oy
Nordic Healthcare Group Oy
Vattuniemenranta 2
00210 Helsinki

Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) is a Nordic company founded in 2004 in Helsinki. NHG specializes in offering advisory and analytics services for health and social care in the Nordics and beyond. Our clients include hospitas, national and regional public organisations, private service providers, pharmaceutical companies, private equity investors and healthcare technology companies. We employ more than 200 experienced professionals and young talents.

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