Kansallisgalleria / Finlands Nationalgalleri / Finnish National Gallery

Finnish National Gallery to develop a new ticket sales service

The Finnish National Gallery’s new digital ticket sales service will enable advance ticket sales on the Ateneum, Kiasma and Sinebrychoff art museums’ websites. A Finnish business cluster with strong expertise in digital business as well as events management, service design and e-commerce is supplying this new service.
Jan Kajander, product manager for the Finnish National Gallery’s ticket sales, and
ICT specialist, Tero Kojo, standing in front of the Ateneum Art Museum.
Photo by Oona Nakai / Finnish National Gallery
Jan Kajander, product manager for the Finnish National Gallery’s ticket sales, and ICT specialist, Tero Kojo, standing in front of the Ateneum Art Museum. Photo by Oona Nakai / Finnish National Gallery

The business cluster consists of four companies: Sofokus Oy, Liveto Group Oy, Passi & Ripatti Oy and Costa Commerce Oy. Freedom Digital’s Mika Tuomainen has advised the project from the beginning.

The project will adopt a new composable commerce approach where the ticket sales service is built using separate compatible pieces according to the Finnish National Gallery’s individual business needs and goals. The system’s architecture will build on Liveto’s ticket sales system as a white-label solution in which the focus is on the Finnish National Gallery’s brands, channels and products. With the new system, the Finnish National Gallery can use and further develop its current services and businesses.

‘Working together, we can supply demanding large-scale architectures that are flexible and up to date,’ says Otto Sunnari, Sofokus’ head of ecosystems, who is in charge of the business cluster.

The new ticket sales service enables advance ticket sales to the Ateneum, Kiasma and Sinebrychoff art museums and their events. When buying a ticket, the visitor chooses a suitable date and time, which ensures a smoother museum visit.

In the first stage, we will focus on creating a functional and streamlined system for the friends of art. The system will provide a clear real-time picture of the ticket sales situation. We will also be able to prepare the museum functions in advance when we know how many tickets have already been sold. I am convinced that advance tickets will particularly benefit visitors coming from further away. They will certainly appreciate knowing that they can visit the museum according to their itinerary,’ says Johanna Eiramo, director of the Digital National Gallery programme.

The new system will launch in late 2023. Until then, tickets to exhibitions at the Finnish National Gallery museums will be sold through the current service provider. No extra service charges will be added to the ticket prices.

Harnessing digital technology for the good of art is part of the Finnish National Gallery’s strategy. ‘The new ticket sales service is an important milestone in the Digital National Gallery programme and it is part of a wider plan to strengthen our digital services,’ says Kimmo Levä, the Finnish National Gallery’s director general. In addition to the new ticket sales system, the new website at digimuseo.fi will provide more visibility for the Finnish National Gallery’s collections.




Jan Kajander, product manager for the Finnish National Gallery’s ticket sales, and
ICT specialist, Tero Kojo, standing in front of the Ateneum Art Museum.
Photo by Oona Nakai / Finnish National Gallery
Jan Kajander, product manager for the Finnish National Gallery’s ticket sales, and ICT specialist, Tero Kojo, standing in front of the Ateneum Art Museum. Photo by Oona Nakai / Finnish National Gallery


About Kansallisgalleria / Finlands Nationalgalleri / Finnish National Gallery

Kansallisgalleria / Finlands Nationalgalleri / Finnish National Gallery
Kansallisgalleria / Finlands Nationalgalleri / Finnish National Gallery
Kaivokatu 2

0294 500 200http://www.kansallisgalleria.fi

The Finnish National Gallery consists of the Ateneum Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and the Sinebrychoff Art Museum. The Finnish National Gallery is in charge of the Finnish State Art Collection, which the Finnish National Gallery’s Collections Management Department maintains. The Finnish State Art Commission and its collections are also part of the Finnish National Gallery.

The Digital National Gallery programme is a platform for new experiences with art. It tests new operational models and service concepts, pilots digitalart adventures and scouts for resulting business opportunities. The programme also investigates what block chain technology can introduce to the art field and how the opportunities that Web 3.0 provides can be accompanied by activities related to art, culture and museums.

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