Lappset Group Oy

First of two playgrounds donated from Finland opens in Lviv, Ukraine

Finnish companies and individuals have teamed up to build kids’ playgrounds in Lviv and Kyiv, Ukraine, and the first playground is now ready. This “Joy of Play” project is run by the Hartwall family, and the key partners are kids’ wear brand Reima and play facilities producer Lappset Group. Additionally, donations from dozens of other corporations and private individuals through the Ukrainaid initiative are enabling the building of the two playgrounds.
Local kids enjoying the opening of the new playground at Lviv Public School No 62 on June 7, 2023.
Local kids enjoying the opening of the new playground at Lviv Public School No 62 on June 7, 2023.

Lviv playground is ready 

Today, a celebration is held to officially open the first playground, built for the pupils of Lviv Public School 62. Using the safe and inspiring equipment produced by Lappset, the primary school pupils aged 6 to 10 years can now enjoy fun activities such as climbing and hanging, not only when playing freely during breaks, but also during their gym lessons 

The principal of the school, Oksana Gurei expresses the joy of the kids and their teachers: 

"We’ve been dreaming of a beautiful playground for many years so that our kids could enjoy their time at school, and we shouldn’t take them far away to the park to play outdoors. One year ago, I approached Leopolis Hotel General Manager asking for some help to make our school life a bit better and here we are - our dream came true, and kids will start playing here already today as we have a school summer camp."  


Why this school? 

Lviv Public School 62 is located in the very city center, in a historic building. Leopolis Hotel Lviv, owned by Hartwall family from Finland for 15 years, is situated right next to the school. The hotel has been financially supporting the school and initiated the Joy of Play project as a part of its commitment to supporting the local community. The hotel management has supervised the project on-site and made sure it was completed as planned.   


Facts and figures of the project  

The total value of Lviv project made around 65 000€, 35% of which was spent on the preparation stage: ground works, water drainage system, hydroisolation, and partial facade restoration – to make sure the playground will serve for many years. Because there is no access to the inner courtyard for construction technics, most of the work has been done manually. A quarter of the budget was spent to install the equipment and a safe, contemporary rubber surface. The cost of the equipment and logistics made up 35% of the budget, but Lappset provided it for free and its logistic partners ensured its delivery from Lapland to Lviv free of charge. Reima covered a sufficient part of all the expenses. In total, it took 3 months to complete all the work. 


Kyiv: the location is being negotiated 

The second playground will be installed in Kyiv, and the exact location is now being discussed. The project team hopes to get the construction work started during the summer. 


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About The Joy of Play project 

The Joy of Play project is carried out by the Hartwall family and their team, who have been operating in Ukraine for a long time. The country, and its people, are very close to the family. Since the war broke out, they have taken several measures to help the country, collecting materials for humanitarian aid. Trucks packed with supplies have reached both the military and civilians. The family’s companies have talented staff and a large network of contacts in Ukraine, who ensure that the help goes where it is most needed. The local coordinating hub for the project is the Leopolis Hotel in Lviv.  


Read the previous project press release.


For more information and photos of the project, please contact:  

In Finland: Ursula Blässar and Pia Hartwall: 

In Ukraine: KatyaMatiushchenko: 

To view this video from, please give your consent at the top of this page.Check out this time lapse video about the school yard renovation and playground installation!



In Finland: Ursula Blässar and Pia Hartwall:

In Ukraine: Katya Matiushchenko:


Local kids enjoying the opening of the new playground at Lviv Public School No 62 on June 7, 2023.
Local kids enjoying the opening of the new playground at Lviv Public School No 62 on June 7, 2023.
The pupils in Lviv Public School 62 had no nice place to go to during breaks. Thanks to the Joy of Play project, the children now have a beautiful courtyard where they can run, jump, swing and play freely and safely together.
The pupils in Lviv Public School 62 had no nice place to go to during breaks. Thanks to the Joy of Play project, the children now have a beautiful courtyard where they can run, jump, swing and play freely and safely together.
Lviv school No. 62 courtyard before renovation and playground installation.
Lviv school No. 62 courtyard before renovation and playground installation.
The opening ceremony of the new playground in the courtyard of Lviv Public school No. 62 was held June 7, 2023.
The opening ceremony of the new playground in the courtyard of Lviv Public school No. 62 was held June 7, 2023.
Elina Björklund, CEO of Reima and Lappset Group's Erkki Ikäheimo, SVP, D&I attended the Lviv playground opening.
Elina Björklund, CEO of Reima and Lappset Group's Erkki Ikäheimo, SVP, D&I attended the Lviv playground opening.


About Lappset Group Oy

Lappset Group Oy
Lappset Group Oy
Hallitie 17, PL 8146

020 775 0100

Reima briefly 

Reima is a globally leading kids' activewear brand. Founded in Finland in 1944, Reima employs around 350 people. The company’s turnover was €154 million in 2022. Reima’s products and solutions are available in circa 50 countries and 85% of net sales come from international markets. Reima’s mission is to gear up the next generation of happy, active kids, preparing them for the world to come. Our design principles are innovation, functionality, safety, and fresh Finnish design. The clothing is approved by the world’s toughest testers: children. Read more at 


Lappset in short 

Lappset Group Oy has been dedicated to promoting play and movement for over 50 years. Lappset designs and manufactures innovative, inspiring, and inclusive playground and exercise equipment, theme parks, and park and street furniture. The family business from Rovaniemi employs 400 experts in different fields in eight different countries. It has production in Finland, Estonia and the Netherlands, and its distribution network extends to more than 60 countries. The turnover of the Lappset Group in 2021 was approximately EUR 62 million, and the operating profit was EUR 2.6 million. Read more at 

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