Nordic companies Elcoline and Salgrom to cooperate on industrial fire protection that features space technology

The management of industrial fire risks will inevitably change dramatically when environmentally harmful fire extinguishing agents are removed from the market. One of the largest chemical companies in the world, the American 3M announced in December that it will be fully discontinuing the manufacture of products containing PFAS compounds by the end of 2025. The decision has already had significant impacts across the globe, particularly with regard to fire protection in high-risk locations, which has required coming up with new solutions.
Salgrom and Elcoline intend to help their customers identify the fire risks of factory processes and plan fire protection and extinguishing technology. The aerosols used in the fire protection solutions offered by the companies are long-lasting and safe, and they do not contain environmentally harmful PFAS compounds.
The world’s most effective aerosol-based fire protection solutions can replace the now obsolete gas technology
Salgrom’s products are the only ones in Finland that feature space technology also utilized by NASA and NATO, along with the most effective raw material available, which has UL 2775 certification and can achieve the same effect at a substantially lower quantity. There are also fewer concerns compared to pressurized fire
extinguishing systems, such as those based on gas technology, which are more prone to leaks and require more frequent maintenance.
Thanks to the stainless steel double-layer structure, Salgrom’s systems are suited to protecting highly demanding locations where vibration, dirt or significant temperature variations require a lot from the durability and reliability of the extinguishing systems and their components. Another testament to the safety of Salgrom’s aerosol solutions is that they have been approved for constantly manned spaces and Posiva’s final disposal facility for nuclear fuel, for example.
Cost efficiency and quick installation
In the best case scenario, Elcoline and Salgrom can provide a legally compliant turnkey fire protection solution for a typical industrial technical room up to 500 cubic meters in size in no more than two days, including commissioning and inspections. The aerosol units do not require lead-throughs or piping in walls. This means that the installation can often be carried out without costs caused by downtime, because the customer’s processes do not need to be interrupted.
The company’s aerosol-based extinguishing systems feature an unpressurized structure. As such, the products are not subject to the stipulations of the Pressure Equipment Act, which is why they are easier and safer to install and require less frequent maintenance and inspections. Even upon discharge, the aerosols generate so little pressure that pressure relief systems are not required, which reduces costs.
Elcoline and Salgrom respond to increased demand through the cooperation agreement
The cooperation agreement enables Elcoline and Salgrom to respond to increased industrial demand for new kinds of fire protection solutions that are safe to both people and the environment.
Employing about 600 industrial professionals in Finland and Sweden, Elcoline offers a full range of technical maintenance and project services for industrial customers – the agreement covers the installation of fire protection solutions and related life cycle services, for example. The company’s services are focused on preventative safety work, high-quality customer services and cost-efficient and well-timed service deliveries in close cooperation with the customer.
Salgrom has been developing and supplying fire protection and extinguishing technology since 2011. So far, it has delivered more than 15,000 aerosol fire protection solutions to industrial customers in the Nordic, European and Asian market areas. The products are easy to install and require very little maintenance. They also ensure cost-efficient fire extinguishing. Salgrom’s range also includes patented fire extinguishing solutions that are modular, feature quick couplings and can be moved easily.
Matti MettovaaraSalgrom Technologies
Tel:+358 40 509 2498matti.mettovaara@salgrom.fiVesa-Pekka HeikkinenElcoline Group
Tel:+358 45 788 13 76vesa-pekka.heikkinen@elcoline.fiImages

About Elcoline Group
Elcoline is a Nordic growth company
that specializes in industrial maintenance and service. Our services include total and partial maintenance outsourcing, maintenance service contracts and demanding installation projects. Our wide range of services covers mechanical installations, electrical, automation and instrumentation work, as well as pipeline installations and welding, as well as machine shop manufacturing of parts for the energy industry. Our customers operate e.g. in the steel, marine, energy, defense, chemical, industrial construction and mining industries. By producing high-quality and safe services, we ensure the reliability of our customers' production.
Elcoline was founded in 2002 and employs around 600 industry professionals. The company operates in Finland and Sweden as well as in service contract locations around the world. Our goal is to grow profitably and be the most valued partner in our industry for our customers and the most desired employer for our employees.
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