Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd and Svensk Plaståtervinning Ab start cooperation on the recycling of plastic packaging
With a 90% market share, SPÅ is Sweden's leading recycler of plastic packaging, whose Site Zero recycling facility in Motala is the largest of its kind in the world. Accordingly, this year FPP recycles about 90% of all packaging waste subject to producer responsibility in Finland, and about 60% of consumer plastic packaging. The cooperation starting now further strengthens FPP's position as a leading player in packaging recycling.
FPP’s CEO Pekka Tommola is very satisfied with the agreement:
"We are happy to start cooperation with SPÅ next year. We fit well together as partners, because both owners are producer-responsible companies, which together we can serve even better. SPÅ's strength as a partner is the modern, efficient and CO2 neutral sorting and recycling facility Site Zero, which promotes the achievement of Finland's plastic recycling goals," says Tommola.
SPÅ’s CEO Mattias Philipsson confirms that Site Zero's recycling facility aims to have the highest recycling rate on the market.
"Thanks to the plant's annual capacity of 200,000 tons, we are able to sort more types of plastic packaging and more efficiently than any other plant on the market. We sort and recycle 10-12 different plastic fractions separately. The operating model reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 30% compared to similar recycling plants, and in the next step in 2025, the company aims for the plant to become CO2 neutral. With efficient recycling, we aim to ensure that our customer's goals are met in the best possible way."
More information:
Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd, Pekka Tommola:
Svensk Plastvervinning Ab, Mattias Philipsson:
Finnish Packaging Producers Ltd (FPP) is a non-profit public benefit organization that is responsible for the recycling of cardboard, glass, metal, plastic and wood packaging in Finland. FPP is a producer responsibility organization in Finland that serves approximately 4,700 packaging producers for all packaging materials. FPP's estimated turnover is 33 MEUR and the market share is about 90% (2023).
Svensk Plaståtervinning Ab (SPÅ) is a non-profit company owned by 8,500 Swedish producer-responsible companies. SPÅ's turnover is SEK 1 billion (2022) and a market share of approx. 90%. SPÅ's Site Zero has an annual processing capacity of 200,000 tons, making it the world's largest plastic recycling facility. SPÅ has received the Most Sustainable Swedish Company award in 2022.
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