Kuori Oy announces new Board appointments to accelerate and sustain growth
Kuori, a leading digital display technology company headquartered in Finland, is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Board of Directors aimed at accelerating and maintaining the company's impressive growth trajectory. The newly appointed board members bring a wealth of expertise and strategic insight that will further propel Kuori's position as a pioneer in cutting-edge technology solutions.
The board members appointed since June 19, 2023, are as follows:
Niko Eiden, Chairman of the Board (new member)
Antti Turja, Board Member (new member)
Harri Mäkitie, Board Member
Markus Backman, Board Member (new member)
Maria Jokelainen, Board Member
Jarkko Jokelainen, Board Member
Co-founder and CEO Maria Jokelainen comments on the appointments:
“Kuori's commitment to innovation and delivering value in challenging environments is underscored by these appointments. The newly formed board possesses diverse experience and expertise, which will undoubtedly drive Kuori's growth strategy in the dynamic technology landscape. The new board members come from impressive industry backgrounds and have experience in expanding businesses. They all add great value to Kuori’s vision. ”
Newly appointed Chairman of the Kuori Board, a seasoned technology entrepreneur Niko Eiden, comments:
“I have been very impressed with how the team at Kuori has created a perfect product-to-market fit ranging from outdoor display solutions to payment kiosks with their clever solutions. One can feel the energy and excitement of the road ahead, and I'm honoured to become a part of the journey by working with the board towards successful growth.”
Antti Turja, who has a long experience in international expansion, also reflects on his new Board position:
"I'm absolutely thrilled to take on the role of a board member at Kuori. It's a chance to be part of Kuoris' inspiring story, and I am honoured to contribute my expertise to this endeavour. I look forward to participating in Kuoris' journey, working closely with the board, and collaborating with our talented team members. Together, we write the next chapter of success for Kuori."
Berit Virtanen-ThewlisKuori Oy / Marketing, Corporate Communications
About Kuori
Kuori Oy is a high-technology company specialising in designing and manufacturing Hardware and Software Interfaces for Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), delivering them worldwide. With a strong focus on challenging environments, Kuori's products include outdoor displays, touchscreens, and payment kiosks. Additionally, it has several pending patents relating to display technology. Its expertise delivers added value in various demanding environments: industrial displays, advertising, and payment kiosks such as parking, EV charging and fast food. Kuori’s core competencies include Android OS development. By building its Android version, with full Google GMS compatibility and certification (EDLA), Kuori brings new advantages to its display and OS customers. Kuori has its headquarters in Espoo, Finland. For more information, visit www.kuori.tech
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