
Finns are inspired by culinary travel


The Matka Travel Fair’s culinary travel survey shows the importance of local culinary travel experiences on both domestic and foreign trips. Up to two thirds of the respondents are planning culinary journeys next year, both near and far. Food is also an important part of Matka Travel Fair, where a separate Mediterranea Tasty Travel area is implemented in January.

Matka Travel Fair culinary travel

Matka Travel Fair conducted a culinary travel survey in its own newsletter and social media channels, and more than 1,000 Finns answered the survey during September-October. In this survey, a culinary journey means that you travel near or far from your own location in pursuit of food, for a culinary experience that you have heard of or read about. 55% of the respondents said that they made the trip for the culinary experience, 67% said that they are planning a culinary journey for next year.

A third of the respondents say that they make culinary journeys in their own country, which directly shows the importance of restaurants and food-related services in the travel destination.

”This depicts directly the extensive influence of the travel business on the vitality of the local community. Without restaurants or other food experience services, the region is not attractive as a travel destination. Of course, this information will not come as a surprise to those within the business, but it has a huge regional significance in the bigger picture, and we want to emphasize it at Matka Travel Fair as well,” says Noora Haatainen, Business Area Manager of Matka Travel Fair.

Italy, Spain and Greece – leading countries in culinary travel

One third of the culinary journeys were domestic and two thirds headed abroad. The most popular culinary travel destination was Italy, followed by Spain and Greece, just a few percentage points behind. In plans for next year, Spain took first place, which is also explained by the year-round nature of this large travel destination and its versatile holiday destinations.

Julio Jiminez Novella, Director of the Tourist Office of Spain, says that the secret of the popularity is that high-quality local ingredients are used in Spanish cuisine and the food is prepared according to ancient traditions. “In addition to traditional tapas dishes, Spain offers restaurant experiences awarded with Michelin stars and a culinary trip where exceptional quality is combined with unforgettable flavours.”

The top three were followed by France and, in a larger context, Asia, but Portugal and Estonia also rose strongly in the answers. In Finland, culinary trips were most commonly made to Lapland, and Porvoo dominated the cities in the freely written replies.

When choosing culinary travel destinations, emphasis is placed on the locality of the food, restaurant selection, responsibly produced food, as well as on storytelling and history. Travelers are also interested in food-related markets, market halls and specialty stores, various food-related events and excursions and street food.

Extractions from the survey

”New places always offer new taste experiences. Culinary travel offers an opportunity to experience something new even in a familiar place.”

”Almost every trip abroad is, in one way or another, a culinary journey. It is wonderful to visit a small restaurant favoured by the locals and let the host/hostess choose and maybe one can even visit the kitchen and learn how the food is prepared. The best thing is if you are invited as a guest into a local home. When you travel with an open mind and heart, you will have the best experiences regarding both food and travelling in general.”

Food is also very important at events, and in addition to Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre’s renewed restaurant services, we are pleased to present the new Mediterranea Tasty Travel area. This area brings together the atmosphere of the Mediterranean region, food offerings, lifestyle actors and handicrafts,” adds Noora Haatainen, Business Area Manager at Matka Travel Fair.

In addition, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre’s renewed restaurant world now also offers, for the first time at the Matka Travel Fair, restaurant concepts such as Lilla Strindberg, the little sister of the iconic café located on Esplanadi in Helsinki, Friends & Brgrs, a hamburger chain that promises high-quality and domestic ingredients, and Hanko Aasia, which combines Asian flavours. Rooftop Bistro & Café, Paddington Pub, Café Milano, Fair Buffet by Pihka and Pihka & Bar offer completely new experiences to Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre’s customers. The restaurants Café Solo and Café Trio, located in the exhibition halls, have also been renovated. At Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre’s hotel Holiday Inn Helsinki – Expo, customers are served as usual by the Expo Open Lobby and the restaurant Platta.

Further information: Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Event Communications, Anu-Eveliina Mattila,, +358 50 555 6183.

Matka Travel Fair is organised at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre at the same time as the Caravan Fair on 18 – 21 January 2024. The international travel trade event Matka Workshop Day is organized on 17 January 2024 and the Matka Trade Day for professionals in the trade is on 18 January 2024.| @MatkaTravelFair I #Matkamessut #matka2024   





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