Kasvu Open

These are the SUPERFINNS 2024!


Nordea and the partners of the SUPERFINNS sparring programme believe that the selected companies are blowing up like supernova! They will leave competitors eating dust with the help of sparring and networks gained from the programme. 

SUPERFINNS sparring program was born in 2020-2021 when Kasvu Open and Nordea recognized the need to boost the ambition level of Finnish SME’s. In the program, entrepreneurs meet experts in live and online workshops and one-2-one sessions. The goal is to whip the companies towards global growth and create growth-boosting networks.
SUPERFINNS is about learning, listening and exploiting the tremendous know-how the partners and experts are willing to share. /Kasvu Open

The partner jury selected 15 companies to the SUPERFINNS programme out of 43 applicants. This year the jury valued the scalability, proof of concept and unique ideas / business models. The companies were evaluated based on four criteria: market potential, ability to grow, references and team.


Half of the companies come from outside the Capital Area and this is exactly what the organisers wish to see. The selected companies currently employ 238 people and are reaching for staggering 240 million euro growth in revenue in the next three years. 

The aim of the programme is to strengthen the competence of businesses – and the whole of Finland – to rise to a new level and create new jobs.

– Huge market opportunities, demand and customer need were the top things that made these companies stand out. This group has the traction and opportunity to make profitable international business, says Vesa Riihimäki, Head of Nordea Startup & Growth.

The partner jury expects the selected companies to commit to the programme with an open mind. SUPERFINNS is about learning, listening and exploiting the tremendous know-how the partners and experts are willing to share.

The selection was made by a partner jury:

  • Vesa Riihimäki, Nordea Startup & Growth
  • Julianna Borsos, Bocap
  • Ali Omar, Business angel
  • Eeva Kovanen, Kovanen Capital
  • Mika Kukkurainen, Nordic Foodtech VC
  • Hanna Henell Mia Sirkiä, Saari Partners
  • Jupe Arala, Vendep Capital
  • Pontus StråhlmanInka Mero & Jenny Engerfelt, Voima Ventures


SUPERFINNS sparring program was born in 2020-2021 when Kasvu Open and Nordea recognized the need to boost the ambition level of Finnish SME’s. In the program, entrepreneurs meet experts in live and online workshops and one-2-one sessions. The goal is to whip the companies towards global growth and create growth-boosting networks. Read more.


Inka Hyvönen
Kasvu Open
+358 50 570 3500

Vesa Riihimäki
Head of Startup & Growth, Nordea
+358 40 826 2009



SUPERFINNS sparring program was born in 2020-2021 when Kasvu Open and Nordea recognized the need to boost the ambition level of Finnish SME’s. In the program, entrepreneurs meet experts in live and online workshops and one-2-one sessions. The goal is to whip the companies towards global growth and create growth-boosting networks.
SUPERFINNS is about learning, listening and exploiting the tremendous know-how the partners and experts are willing to share.
Vesa Riihimäki, Head of Nordea Startup & Growth and Inka Hyvönen, Kasvu Open
– Huge market opportunities, demand and customer need were the top things that made these companies stand out. This group has the traction and opportunity to make profitable international business, says Vesa Riihimäki, Head of Nordea Startup & Growth.
Nordea and the partners of the SUPERFINNS sparring programme believe that the selected companies are blowing up like supernova! They will leave competitors eating dust with the help of sparring and networks gained from the programme.


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Lue lisää julkaisijalta Kasvu Open

SUPERFINNS 2024 -voittaja QOCO Systems oli piilossa oleva helmi11.6.2024 10:48:10 EEST | Artikkeli

Lentokonehuoltoon liittyviä prosesseja digitalisoiva QOCO Systems vastasi täsmällisesti SUPERFINNS-ohjelman voittajan kriteereihin. Yrityksellä on selkeä ja skaalautuva bisnesmalli, markkinapotentiaalia, kunnianhimoinen ja osaava tiimi sekä rohkeutta ajatella isosti. – QOCO Systemsissä erityisen hienoa oli hyvä ja valmis tuote, joka on ison menestystarinan kynnyksellä, sanoo Nordea Startup & Growth -kasvuyrityspankin johtaja ja tuomariston puheenjohtaja Vesa Riihimäki.

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