Polarica Plans Expansion with Innovative Berry and Fruit Products
Polarica is expanding its product portfolio by introducing a range of cultured berry and fruit products. With its main market in the Nordics, Baltic states, and Poland, Polarica has plans to expand to the rest of Europe and as far as to Asia.
Polarica is recognized as a trusted supplier of wild berries and fruit-based products and is known to deliver quality directly to its diverse clients – both to consumers and B2B.
New Products to Make Baking and Cooking at Home Easier
In recent months, Polarica has been developing entirely new product categories with the aim of making consumers’ everyday lives healthier, easier, and tastier.
Polarica has created a variety of new delights, focusing on reducing sugar, eliminating additives, and increasing fruit content. Among these are innovative fruit and berry products that represent a new generation of culinary delicacies: soups and frozen mixes. Polarica will also soon release new milk-free and fibre-rich snacks in the Nordic market. Some of the products will include simple "homemade" recipes that consumers can use to make freshly baked goods.
“These products have exceptionally healthy consistency, they are tasty and there’s nothing like them on the market at the moment", says Pekka Koivisto, NDP, Sales and Marketing Director.
Great Reception at Food Fairs
Polarica’s new products have received overwhelmingly positive feedback on several food fairs this spring, with customers applauding their taste, consistency, and health benefits.
Behind every successful venture lies a diligent planning process. Polarica’s concept planning carefully considers market trends, customer input, and emerging technologies to ensure that the company remains ahead of the curve.
Pekka Koivisto
Polarica Berry Group
Polarica AB is a Nordic provider of wild-berries and fruit-based products. We aspire to be a beacon of positive change in the berry industry through visionary leadership in sustainability, technology, and customer-centricity. Polarica has operations in 3 countries, employs over 200 people and has headquarter in Haparanda, Sweden.
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Lue lisää julkaisijalta Polarica AB
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Helsingin käräjäoikeus antoi asiassa tuomion 31.10.2024.
Lahjussyytteen käsittely alkoi Helsingin käräjäoikeudessa19.8.2024 10:03:13 EEST | Tiedote
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Polarican rikosasian käsittely alkoi Lapin käräjäoikeudessa12.8.2024 09:15:00 EEST | Tiedote
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Syyttäjä on nostanut syytteitä Polarican entistä ja nykyistä toimitusjohtajaa vastaan23.5.2024 14:25:26 EEST | Tiedote
Syyttäjä on nostanut syytteen Polarica Marjanhankinta Oy:n entistä toimitusjohtaja Jukka Kristoa ja yhtiön nykyistä toimitusjohtajaa vastaan.
Polarica on sitoutunut vastuullisiin toimintatapoihin27.2.2024 10:44:20 EET | Tiedote
Pohjois-Suomen syyttäjäalue on tiedottanut 26.2.2024 nostaneensa Polarica Marjahankinta Oy:n entistä toimitusjohtajaa Jukka Kristoa vastaan syytteet törkeästä ihmiskaupasta.
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