Tampere-talo Oy

Concert version of Beethoven's Fidelio brings top conductor Susanna Mälkki to Tampere


Tampere Opera and Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra join forces to offer opera fans Beethoven's Fidelio as a concert version at Tampere Hall on October 10th and 12th, 2024. The concerts will be conducted by the internationally acclaimed conductor Susanna Mälkki, with stellar soloists, the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Tampere Opera Choir. Concert tickets are now on sale.

Top conductor Susanna Mälkki will lead Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, Tampere Opera Choir, and stellar soloist at Tampere Hall in October 2024. Photo: Simon Fowler
Top conductor Susanna Mälkki will lead Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, Tampere Opera Choir, and stellar soloist at Tampere Hall in October 2024. Photo: Simon Fowler

Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770–1827) concert version of the operatic masterpiece Fidelio will be performed at Tampere Hall’s Main Auditorium on Thursday, October 10th, and Saturday, October 12th, 2024. The concerts will be led by one of the most highly esteemed conductors of her generation, Susanna Mälkki. The music will be played by the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, with the Tampere Opera Choir performing as the chorus.

Susanna Mälkki, who has achieved significant international acclaim, is a rare and eagerly awaited guest in Tampere. The busy conductor last led the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra in the spring of 2013. Mälkki regularly collaborates with top orchestras throughout Europe and North America and is in high demand with major opera houses such as the Opéra national de Paris, Teatro alla Scala Milan, the Wiener Staatsoper, and the Metropolitan Opera. In Finland, she was the Chief Conductor of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra from 2016 to 2023 and continues her visits as the orchestra's Chief Conductor Emeritus.

"It’s been a while since I last conducted in Tampere, and I’m very excited to return to Tampere Hall where my proposal for the concert version of Fidelio was warmly received. Fidelio, Beethoven's only opera, is filled with magnificent music, and its themes of freedom and justice resonate with contemporary audiences", Mälkki explains.

Premiered in 1805, Fidelio tells the story of Leonore (Miina-Liisa Värelä), an aristocratic woman who disguises herself as a prison guard to rescue her innocent husband, Florestan (Jussi Myllys), who has been wrongfully imprisoned. Other soloists are Tommi Hakala, Waltteri Torikka, Iida Antola, Tuomas Miettola, and Matti Turunen. The opera is particularly known for its impressive choral numbers, such as the Prisoners' Chorus and the finale. Tampere Opera Choir consists of 80 singers, trained by choir conductor Heikki Liimola.

"It's fantastic that we received the proposal from Susanna Mälkki to do a collaboration in Fidelio concertante! Together with Tampere Opera and the incredible soloists, we can offer the audience a unique experience that combines impressive music and lighting design", says Eija Oravuo, General Manager of Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra.

Opera productions at Tampere Hall consistently attract almost full houses, drawing opera enthusiasts from all over Finland to Tampere. Also, international groups have shown interest in high-quality opera productions in Tampere. The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation supports the development of Tampere Opera in the years 2024–2025.

"Increasing Tampere Opera's performances has been a longstanding goal for us. Compared to traditional opera, concertante is lighter in terms of stage production, allowing for new production periods to be incorporated into our annual plan. In connection with Fidelio, we will also announce the new logo of Tampere Opera, and this visual update supports the strengthening of our operations", says Suvi Leinonen, Artistic Director of Tampere Hall.

Beethoven: Fidelio in Concert 

Thu 10 October 2024 at 7 pm
Sat 12 October 2024 at 3 pm
Main Auditorium, Tampere Hall

Susanna Mälkki, conductor
Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Tampere Opera Choir, choir conductor Heikki Liimola


Leonore – Miina-Liisa Värelä
Florestan – Jussi Myllys
Don Pizarro – Tommi Hakala
Don Fernando – Waltteri Torikka
Marzelline – Iida Antola
Jaquino – Tuomas Miettola
Rocco – Matti Turunen

Duration approximately 3 hours including one intermission. The performance is in German. Surtitles are available in Finnish.


Tickets 70/60/50 €
Pensioners 68/58/48 €
Children (until 16-year-olds) and students 25 €

Tickets are on sale through the ticket sales channels of Tampere Hall, Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, and Lippu.fi. Please be prepared to present the certificate entitling you to the discount ticket (e.g. student card) to the Tampere Hall staff.

Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra's Season Pass holders and members of the Pro Orchestra association can purchase concert tickets at a discounted rate from the Tampere Hall ticket office.

If your party includes 10 or more people you can ask for a group offer: ryhmamyynti@tampere-talo.fi or tel. +358 3 243 4501 (Mon to Fri from 10 am to 4 pm)

Production by Tampere Hall and Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra.

Additional information

Eija Oravuo
General Manager
Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Tel. +358 50 388 7133

Suvi Leinonen
Artistic Director
Tampere Hall Ltd
Tel. +358 3 243 4031

Interview and press ticket requests

Elsa Vähänen
Communications Specialist
Tampere Hall Ltd
Tel. +358 40 5512 739



Top conductor Susanna Mälkki will lead Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, Tampere Opera Choir, and stellar soloist at Tampere Hall in October 2024. Photo: Simon Fowler
Top conductor Susanna Mälkki will lead Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, Tampere Opera Choir, and stellar soloist at Tampere Hall in October 2024. Photo: Simon Fowler

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