Tuomas Kahri appointed CEO of Nordic Healthcare Group
We are pleased to inform that Tuomas Kahri has been appointed as the CEO of Nordic Healthcare Group as from 13th May 2024. Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) is an advisory, insights, and research company specializing in health and social care. NHG maximizes the outcomes of health and social care, and life sciences to improve the lives of everyone. Our 250+ professionals work in our offices in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and the UK.
Tuomas has 30 years of experience in leading teams and businesses in international settings. Before joining NHG, Tuomas was a Partner at McKinsey & Company working with growth and healthcare companies in Nordics. Earlier Tuomas also worked several years as COO for Terveystalo, a Finnish private healthcare provider. His role was to manage the Terveystalo network of clinics and hospitals and drive Terveystalo’s transformation into a customer and consumer-oriented organization.
“I am delighted to welcome Tuoppi to NHG! He has a broad experience in leading growth companies as well as various roles across industries. He has led companies that represent NHG’s clients as well as companies in the field of professional services and healthcare. His wide experience will offer a strong foundation for NHG's next steps.” said Juko Hakala, Chairman of the Board at NHG.
“I am thrilled to join the NHG team of talented professionals! Continuously improving healthcare is a crucial task for the Nordic and other European countries. I am especially passionate about enabling growth and digitalization. NHG is a unique company with enormous expertise within health and social care. I believe in human-centered and outcome-driven health and social care – this enables us to improve the lives of people around us. I’m proud to lead this vision forward.” said Tuomas Kahri, CEO at NHG.
Juko HakalaChairman of the BoardNordic Healthcare Group
Tel:+358 40 772 5597juko.hakala@nhg.fiTuomas KahriCEONordic Healthcare Group
Tel:+358 50 350 8253tuomas.kahri@nhg.fiMilja SaarimaaCommunications and Marketing DirectorNordic Healthcare Group
Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG)
Nordic Healthcare Group is an advisory, insights, and research company. We maximize the outcomes of health and social care, and life sciences globally, to improve the lives of everyone. Rooted in our human-centric Nordic values, we deliver sustainable solutions through research, data analysis, design, digitalization, and implementation. Since 2004, our 250+ professionals have worked with public and private clients on 4000+ projects. https://nordichealthcaregroup.com/
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