Saldo Bank expands operations into payment services and launches a VISA credit card
The availability of credit cards is improving in Finland. Saldo Bank started operations in Finland less than a year ago and is now launching a VISA credit card and expanding its operations to payment services.

Saldo Bank improves the availability of credit cards by launching a credit card on the Finnish market.
Saldo Bank is known for advanced and real-time onboarding and credit scoring, and brings these features to the credit card market as well. Saldo Bank's credit decision is completely real-time and the issuing of the card is completely automated. This way, the credit is available to the customer immediately after the application.
"The launch of the credit card brings a significant increase to our service offering. With the help of the card, we can reach an even wider customer base. Our customers get the usual hassle-free customer experience from the loan side and a card product that can be used immediately," says Lauri Pitkänen, Saldo Bank's branch manager for Finland.
In addition to the automated application process, the credit card includes all modern features, such as contactless payment and it functions as an international VISA payment card.
"In addition to serving new customers, the credit card also serves our existing customer base well, to whom we can now offer more extensive services, such as cash withdrawals and the possibility to use your credit for international payments" says Pitkänen.
"Furthermore, we are constantly working on building new partnerships with which we can offer benefits that are interesting to specific customer groups," Pitkänen continues.
Saldo Bank expands to payment services
Saldo Bank has established itself as a provider of the best deposit rates and automated loan solutions in Finland. The launch of the credit card strengthens Saldo Bank's growth strategy by expanding its offering to include payment services.
"We are growing fast and strongly and during these ten months we have already gained about 40,000 loan and deposit product customers in Finland. Launching the credit card and bringing payment services into Saldo Bank's offering supports our growth strategy by expanding the product range and serving an ever-wider customer base," says the company's CEO Jarkko Mäensivu.
The expansion and growth of operations has been fast. Saldo Bank started banking in Lithuania in February 2023 and expanded operations to Finland in October 2023 and Sweden in February 2024.
"We are constantly working in accordance with our growth strategy and strive to bring payment services into the supply of other countries as well. In addition, we are constantly developing new products to serve both consumer and business customers in all markets," Mäensivu continues.
More information about credit card features and how to apply can be found on Saldo Bank's website at:
Lauri PitkänenMaajohtaja, Saldo Bank UAB Suomen Sivuliike ja markkinointijohtaja, Saldo Bank UAB
Puh:+358 40 827 2127lauri.pitkanen@saldo.comInformation about Saldo Bank
Saldo Bank UAB is a specialized bank licensed by the European Central Bank and supervised by the Central Bank of Lithuania. Saldo Bank UAB Finnish branch operates in Finland, which offers consumers fully automated loan solutions and fixed-term deposit services in addition to credit cards.
The company's advanced scoring and analytics system ensures responsible lending, and its own lending system supports the growth of business also internationally. In June 2024, more than 60 people worked at Saldo Bank.
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