Research review: Entry-level positions are prevalent in supported employment
Supported employment methods for people in a weak labour market position have proven to be effective, but do they lead to sustainable employability? According to the research review, entry-level positions and temporary employment are typical. Supported employment methods should also enable more demanding and meaningful tasks.
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health media release 23 September 2024.
The scoping review by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health offers comprehensive insights into the impact of supported employment. The methods of vocational rehabilitation examined in the study included supported employment and quality-based supported employment (IPS job coaching), the target groups of which are people in a weak labour market position, such as those with learning difficulties, mental health problems or reduced work ability.
“The methods have been studied extensively around the world and have previously been found to have positive effects in terms of, for example, getting a job, days of employment, duration of employment and quality of life,” says researcher Joonas Poutanen from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
There is also evidence of the methods’ cost-effectiveness. Instead, there is little research available on the work itself, the quality of the work, operating at the workplace and job performance from the employer’s perspective.
“Our newly published study also highlights areas for development and research from the perspective of particularly sustainable employability: Does supported employment promote job retention and offer opportunities for career advancement?” Poutanen explains.
Work tasks that do not correspond to competence are a source of dissatisfaction
According to the research review, the methods often result in precarious employment, i.e. temporary or atypical employment. Employment was mostly part-time and fixed-term, with low-wage entry-level positions in various sectors.
Supported employment seeks to reconcile the job seeker’s wishes and competence with the employer’s labour needs. However, according to the research review, the reconciliation is not sufficiently successful from the employee’s perspective. Employment was important for the participants, but they expressed dissatisfaction with the length of employment and career advancement opportunities. In addition, some of the employed participants felt that they lacked the opportunity to utilise their competence.
“After securing a job, more attention should be paid to sustainable employability. It would be most fruitful to find a job that matches the employee’s profession, competence and professional aspirations. Of course, not everyone wants to take on more demanding tasks, in which case the current model can offer a suitable job,” says Joonas Poutanen.
“These methods are suitable for finding people work quickly with the support of work coaches. From the perspective of sustainable employability, the problem is that it takes more than a month to apply for jobs that are a better match to the job seeker’s competence,” says Leading Specialist Pirjo Juvonen-Posti from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
Indications of strengthened social skills
One of the perceived challenges of sustainable employability is the potential lack of social skills among the target group employees.
The research review found some evidence that social skills improve during employment, but the available data is limited.
“The workplace plays a key role in the employee’s on-the-job learning opportunities. We are currently investigating what supported employment methods look like from a workplace perspective,” says Pirjo Juvonen-Posti.
Information about the study
- Research article: Sustainable employability in supported employment and Individual Placement and Support interventions in the context of the characteristics of work and perspectives of the employers: A scoping review - IOS Press
- The study was conducted as part of the Work Ability Programme’s assessment and follow-up study in 2020–2024.
- Previously published release about the Work Ability Programme (in Finnish)
Further information
- Joonas Poutanen, researcher,, +358 (0)30 474 3203
- Pirjo Juvonen-Posti, Leading Specialist,, +358 (0)43 824 3568
Juha Hietanensenior specialistTyöterveyslaitos | Finnish Institute of Occupational Health | Arbetshälsoinstitutet
Tel:+358504773267juha.hietanen@ttl.fiPäivi Lehtomurtocommunications managerTyöterveyslaitos | Finnish Institute of Occupational Health | Arbetshälsoinstitutet
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) researches, develops and specializes in well-being at work. It promotes occupational health and safety and the well-being of workers. It is an independent institution under public law, working under the administrative sector of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. It has five regional offices, and its headquarters are in Helsinki. The number of personnel is about 500.
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