Educan 2025 kansainvälinen ohjelma kääntää huomion opetus- ja koulutusalan maailmalla puhututtaviin aiheisiin
Pohjoismaiden johtavan opetus- ja kasvatusalan tapahtuman Educan 2025 kansainvälisen ohjelman teemoina ovat opettajan ammatin houkuttelevuuden lisääminen, teknologian ja tekoälyn hyödyntäminen opetuksessa sekä koulutuksen tulevaisuus ja lukutaidon merkitys digitaalisella aikakaudella. Keynote-puhujat ovat aivotutkija, professori Minna Huotilainen ja työelämäprofessori, filosofian tohtori Pekka Sauri. Educa järjestetään Helsingin Messukeskuksessa 24.–25.1.2025.
Pohjoismaiden johtavassa opetus- ja kasvatusalan tapahtumassa Educassa 2025 kuullaan kansainvälinen ohjelmakokonaisuus, jonka teemoina ovat Enhancing the Appeal of the Teaching Profession, Technology and AI in Education, The Future of Education ja The Importance of Literacy in the Digital Age.
Osana kansainvälistä ohjelmaa kuullaan muun muassa paneelikeskustelut OECD:n High Performing Systems for Tomorrow -hankkeesta ja sen tuloksista sekä Ukrainaan yli 30 suomalaisen yrityksen ja organisaation yhteistyönä syntyneestä On Wheels Mobile Education -varhaiskasvatushankkeesta. Kansainvälisen ohjelman keynote-puhujat ovat aivotutkija, professori Minna Huotilainen ja työelämäprofessori, kaupunginvaltuutettu, kirjailija ja filosofian tohtori Pekka Sauri.
Minna Huotilaisen keynote-puheenvuoro Brain, stress and learning kuullaan perjantaina 24.1. klo 11.30 alkaen. Puheenvuorossaan Huotilainen kertoo, kuinka moderni neurotiede osoittaa suoria yhteyksiä oppijoiden fysiologisten tilojen ja oppimistulosten välillä. Erityisesti stressi voi vaikuttaa haitallisesti oppimiseen sen vaikutusten vuoksi havaintoon, tarkkaavaisuuteen ja muistiin.
Pekka Sauri puhuu lauantaina 25.1. klo 11.40 kuultavassa keynote-puheenvuorossaan Life goals, happiness and education in an unpredictable world siitä, miten nykyajan nuorten onnellisuutta varjostaa tulevaisuuden epävarmuus, joka liittyy erilaisiin globaaleihin ja kotimaisiin ongelmiin sekä monille riippuvuuteen älypuhelinsovelluksista. Mikä on tie eteenpäin ja mitä opettajat voivat tehdä?
Educan kansainvälisen lavan puheenvuorojen ja keskustelujen kieli on englanti ja ohjelmaa voi seurata striimin välityksellä ympäri maailmaa. Kansainvälisen ohjelmakokonaisuuden ovat suunnitelleet yhteistyössä Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö OAJ, Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö, Opetushallitus, EDUFI ja Helsingin Messukeskus.
Poimintoja Educan kansainvälisestä ohjelmasta:
- Perjantai 24.1.
- 11.30–11.55 Keynote: Brain, stress and learning – Speaker: Minna Huotilainen
- Modern neuroscience shows direct connections between the physiological states of the learners and the learning achievements. Specifically, stress can have detrimental effects on learning due to its effects on perception, attention, and memory. Minna Huotilainen is Professor of Educational Sciences at University of Helsinki, and her work in neuroscience of education aims to make neuroscientific findings accessible to teachers worldwide.
- 13.05–13.35 High level discussion: What can Finland learn from the world? Finland is a benchmark for education around the world. At the same time, it shares many global concerns regarding education. Copying isn't the key to success, but active dialogue is vital in developing systems – what can Finland learn from others? In discussion: Anders Adlercreutz, Minister of Education of Finland and Katarina Murto, Chair of the Trade Union of Education (OAJ), Finland. Intervention by Dr. Auli Toom, President of the Teacher Education Forum & vice-dean in charge of research in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki.
- 14.30–15.15 Panel discussion: Digital citizenship in the age of AI The panel discussion will explore how digitalization, the massive increase in the volume of data and emerging technologies, such as AI are transforming societies, including the educational landscape globally. From personalized learning experiences to AI-driven administrative efficiencies, the panelists will explore the opportunities and challenges these innovations bring. Panelists: Mr. Sobhi Tawil, Director of the Future of Learning and Innovation Division, UNESCO (TBC); Mr. Frank van Cappelle, Head of the Global Learning Innovation Hub in Finland, UNICEF; Mr. Atte Jääskeläinen, President of Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, and Ms. Jonna Korhonen, Director of Division for Higher Education Policy, Ministry of Education and Culture. Moderated by Ms. Kati Anttalainen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture, Secretariat for International Relations.
- 15.20–16.00 Future skills for professionals in the digital age Digital skills have been recognised as a key skill needed in the future working life. What are these skills, and how can we ensure that future professionals can build them during their vocational studies, and continue to update their skills while they are already in working life? We hear about the European framework for digital skills, and look at how Finland and Estonia have introduced digital skills as part of vocational degrees. In discussion: Külli All, Head of Skills Area at the Department of Vocational Education and Skills Policy, Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia and Sanna Laiho, Counsellor for Education, Finnish National Agency for Education. Moderated by Marjo Somari, International Communications Specialist, EDUFI.
- 16.05–16.50 Panel discussion: Education for Human Flourishing The high level panel discusses the final outcomes of High Performing Systems for Tomorrow (HPST) work. The project was established by OECD for jurisdictions that achieve outstanding results in PISA and share a commitment to exploring the next frontiers in education. The panel presents the work done and aims to strengthen and deepen the foundational arguments behind human flourishing. Why and how should education purposes change in the future? What exactly do we mean by Education for Human Flourishing? And what is its relationship to the evolution of artificial intelligence? Panelists: Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD, Anita Lehikoinen, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland, Chern Wei, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Education, Singapore, Susan Acland-Hood, Permanent Secretary at the Department for Education, United Kingdom and Michael Stevenson, Project Lead, OECD. Moderated by Anthony Mackay, Board Chair, National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) / International Stage
- 16.55–17.25 Early Childhood Education and Care on Wheels in Ukraine In Ukraine, more than 400 educational institutions have been completely destroyed, and the number continues to rise as the war goes on. Born in co-operation of more than 30 Finnish companies and entities, the On Wheels Mobile Education Center was born. The mobile kindergarten is now equipped with training, therapy, and daycare facilities, as well as extensive daycare supplies and remote communication equipment. The speakers present how psychosocial support, early childhood education and care, therapy, and professional development is now made available around Ukraine, and lessons learned under the highly stressful circumstances for children. In discussion: Bondarenko Dmytro, Deputy Head of the Association of Innovative and Digital Education; Stanislav Kutsenko, Advisor to Director of Ukrainian Institute of Education Development, and Sanna Lukander, Founder, CCO, Fun Academy and The Campus Company.
- Lauantai 25.1.
- 11.00–11.30 Introduction to the Finnish Education System The education system in Finland is often hailed as one of the best in the world. It is best known for its innovative and learner centred approaches. This presentation will explore some of the key components that make Finland’s education system a good benchmark for others. Topics will include its emphasis on equity, student well-being, and teacher autonomy. We will also delve into the challenges the system faces, including maintaining high outcomes amidst changing demographics and constantly evolving educational needs. Speaker: Jouni Kangasniemi, Secretariat for International Relations, Ministry of Education and Culture.
- 11.40–12.05 Keynote: Life goals, happiness and education in an unpredictable world – Speaker: Pekka Sauri The happiness of young people today is overshadowed by the uncertainty of the future associated with various global and domestic problems and, for many, dependence on smartphone applications. What is the way forward, and what can educators do? Pekka Sauri is a Finnish Professor of Practice, City Councillor, writer and Doctor of Philosophy.
Educan koko ohjelma löytyy osoitteesta:
Educan kansainvälistä ohjelmaa voi seurata livestriimin välityksellä rekisteröitymällä täällä.
Lisätiedot ja haastattelupyynnöt:
Pia Sievinen, viestinnän asiantuntija, Helsingin Messukeskus, puh. +358 40 559 9155,
Akkreditoidu Educaan:
Pohjoismaiden johtava opetus- ja kasvatusalan ammattilaisten koulutustapahtuma Educa järjestetään Helsingin Messukeskuksessa 24.–25.1.2025. Educan järjestävät yhteistyössä Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö OAJ ja Helsingin Messukeskus. | |#educa2025 #educamessut
Pia Sievinen, viestinnän asiantuntija, Helsingin Messukeskus, puh. +358 40 559 9155,
Tietoja julkaisijasta
Helsingin Messukeskus on Suomen elämyksellisin tapahtumakortteli ja vaikuttavin kohtaamismedia. Onnistuneet kohtaamiset jättävät vahvan muistijäljen ja tuottavat kiistatonta tulosta. Suomen suurin tapahtumajärjestäjä tuottaa laadukkaita tapahtumia sekä vuokraa tilojaan ja palvelujaan erilaisten tapahtumien areenaksi. Messukeskuksen itse tuottamia tapahtumia ovat mm. Habitare, Helsingin Kirjamessut, Educa, FinnBuild, Matkamessut ja Vene Båt. Vierastapahtumina Messukeskuksen tiloissa järjestetään mm. Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, Koiramessut sekä lukuisia kansainvälisiä kongresseja ja yritystapahtumia vuosittain. Tilat käsittävät 7 hallia, 40 muuntuvaa kokoustilaa, 21 ravintolaa ja oman tapahtumahotellin. Omistajayritys Suomen Messut Oyj perustettiin vuonna 1919. | Messukeskus. The real social media. | @messukeskus
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for various occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Nordic Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congress and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel.The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. | Messukeskus. The real social media | @messukeskus
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Lue lisää julkaisijalta Messukeskus
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Educa 2025 offers an international programme with a focus on enhancing the appeal of the teaching profession, integrating technology and AI into education, exploring the future of education, and the importance of literacy in the digital age. It will feature keynote speeches by Professor of Educational Sciences at University of Helsinki Minna Huotilainen, and Finnish Professor of Practice and Doctor of Philosophy Pekka Sauri. The largest event for the education and training sector in the Nordic countries will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on 24–25 January.
SecD-Day Conference and Exhibition Programme Announced: A Comprehensive Platform for Security and Defence20.11.2024 09:00:00 EET | Tiedote
The programme for the SecD-Day Conference and Exhibition 2025 has been released. The event, taking place in January 2025 in Helsinki, will feature a diverse lineup of speakers, including Minister of Defence of Finland Antti Häkkänen, Stacy A. Cummings, General Manager of NATO’s Support and Procurement Agency, and Timo Pesonen, Director-General for Defence Industry and Space at the EC.
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MEDIAKUTSU I love me 29.11.–1.12.202419.11.2024 08:30:00 EET | Kutsu
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