The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service Continues to Support Entrepreneurs in the Future
The 15-year-old national advisory service for entrepreneurs, employers, and those who are planning to start a business is available for service by phone and online. Customer feedback has been excellent over the years, and customers are appreciative of the speed, usefulness, and kindness of the service. The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service continues in 2025 as part of the KEHA Centre’s national business advisory services.
More than 30,000 annual contacts
“The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service is contacted approximately 30,000 times every year. The number of contacts varies, and the biggest spikes in demand were experienced in connection with the Coronavirus pandemic and the adoption of the authorisation services, when the service was contacted more than 70,000 times over the course of a year. Customers appreciate the service, giving it a grade of 4.8 on a scale of 1 to 5 in the 2024 feedback survey. When prompted to provide verbal feedback, customers mentioned the scope, usefulness, speed, and friendliness of counseling as the foremost strengths”, says Service Manager Marjo Öhmann.
The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service turns 15
The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service was established in 2009 with the impetus to set up a national telephone service across organisational and administrative borders for current and prospective entrepreneurs. The telephone service was started in support of the Enterprise Finland system, comprising public business services. The start-up of the telephone service was further expedited by the EU Services Directive, which requires Member States to provide entrepreneurial advisory services at a centralised point of service contact (
In 2012, the Enterprise Finland Telephone Service was consolidated into the operations of the national TE Customer Service Centre. The service is still consulting founders, entrepreneurs, and employers on a broad basis over the phone and online.
“The role of the Enterprise Finland Telephone Service as a public business service and obligation counseling service requires close cooperation with other essential entities. The Enterprise Finland network includes for instance the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Business Finland, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, TE Services, Finnvera, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, Finnish Customs, and the Finnish Tax Administration, who are all involved in the development of the service. We have worked well together in developing e.g. customer information services, service quality, supervisory work, and systems development and benchmarking”, says Service Manager Marjo Öhmann.
The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service and the TE reform of 2024
As economic development services (TE services) are being reformed, the services provided by the TE Offices are taken over by the municipalities. The nation-wide Enterprise Finland Telephone Service continues under the umbrella of the KEHA Centre from 1.1.2015 onwards.
The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service will from then on also be offering guidance to entrepreneurs in issues relating to the founding of a business and public entrepreneurial services and obligations and will provide assistance in the use of the electronic services. The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service will also be counseling entrepreneurs and employers in the use of Job Market Finland and in accessing the electronic services relating to employment services.
Enterprise Finland Telephone Service
The Enterprise Finland Telephone Service is available on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:15 by phone, service contact request, and in the Job Market Finland chat service:
- Finnish tel. 0295 020 500
- Swedish tel. 0295 020 501
- English tel. 0295 020 502
- Enterprise Finland Telephone Service (
Marjo ÖhmannpalvelupäällikköTE-asiakaspalvelukeskus
Tel:0295 024 253marjo.ohmann@ely-keskus.fiImages
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