Admicom Oyj

The shares subscribed for in Admicom Oyj's directed share issue have been registered with the Trade Register


Unofficial translation of the company release on December 14, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. EET. In case the document differs from the original, the Finnish version prevails.

The 18,867 new shares subscribed for in the directed share issue carried out by Admicom Oyj (the "Company") on December 12, 2024 have been registered in the Trade Register maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office today, December 14, 2023. The total number of shares in the company after the registration of the new shares is 5,007,852.

The new shares are entitled to dividends and other distributions of assets as well as other shareholder rights from this registration date.

The shares will be admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland maintained by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd on approximately December 16, 2024.

Admicom Oyj

Additional information:

Satu Helamo
Interim CEO
+358 45 633 7710

Certified advisor:
Oaklins Finland Ltd
+358 09 612 9670


Admicom Oyj

Established in 2004, Admicom is a pioneer in system development and a comprehensive software and accounting services partner for small and medium-sized enterprises.

At the core of our service package is the Admicom Ultima ERP system (formerly Adminet), which covers a wide range of solutions for managing customer companies' operations from mobile tools on the construction site to real-time financial monitoring and project management. A highly automated SaaS solution helps SMEs improve their competitiveness and profitability and saves significant time on site and in the office. We also offer our clients training, consulting and accounting services.

Our software family also includes Ultima Lite (formerly Adminet Lite), a cost-effective software and service package for small businesses, Admicom Flex (formerly Hillava), a precision solution for mobile work management, Admicom Vision (formerly Kotopro), which offers modern solutions for higher quality documentation, and a project management unit whose range of services includes solutions for quantity and cost calculation (Estima and Estima Pro), scheduling (Tempo and Planner, formerly Tocoman Aikataulu) and BIM3 solutions for utilising building information models.

We are constantly working to coordinate the functions of our software family in order to provide our customers with a consistent user experience between systems and eliminate

extra work phases, enabling our customers to do more profitable business using modern software solutions.

The continuously growing Admicommunity employs more than 270 people in its offices in Jyväskylä, Helsinki, Tampere, Oulu, Seinäjoki and Turku. More information:

Admicom's press releases and financial reports:

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