Alvar Aalto Foundation strategy update
The Alvar Aalto Foundation is updating its strategy so that its new content and services will take into account future actors, professionals and experts in its field, along with the broader public.

Alvar and Aino Aalto’s prominent international profile in architecture and design has become a part of modern Nordic identity and Alvar Aalto is one of the most pivotal Finnish influencers of all time. His buildings are widely known internationally. Finlandia Hall was opened in early January 2025 after major renovations and will bring visitors from all over the world to Helsinki in the coming years. Each year, Aalto’s sites are some of the most sought-after destinations for cultural tourism and Finlandia Hall plays an important role in this. A proposal that thirteen Alvar Aalto architectural sites be added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List is expected to be approved in summer 2026. The opening of the new Museum of Architecture and Design in Helsinki in 2030 will mark a significant new departure in Finland’s international museum sector. In this operating environment, the Alvar Aalto Foundation aims to continue being an active player and influencer.
In its strategy work, the Alvar Aalto Foundation has also begun reinforcing its role in reinvigorating the museum sector. One key measure is developing the Alvar Aalto Museum’s operations. This task is being taken over by Jukka Savolainen, a long-time professional in the international museum sector, who will be responsible for running of the Alvar Aalto Museum. Alongside museum work, greater emphasis will be placed on the significance of Alvar Aalto’s architectural heritage work and the Alvar Aalto Academy.
Tommi Lindh, CEO of the Alvar Aalto Foundation, is especially happy about Jukka Savolainen’s commitment to the Foundation’s future strategy: “It is great to have a museum professional like Jukka to expand the work, culture and contents of the Alvar Aalto Museum together with his team.”
Jukka Savolainen, the Alvar Aalto Foundation’s new Museum Director, says: “Museums today are increasingly meeting places and living rooms where different communities and individuals can meet around culture, while being inspired and learning new things. As society’s needs and expectations change, museums have to change, too. The Alvar Aalto Museum wants to develop its operations to meet these shifting expectations. The Museum will be a more active player and partner in conversations around Alvar Aalto’s immense, internationally unique legacy, highlighting the importance of humane design in the building of a sustainable future, both historically and today."
“Alvar Aalto is indisputably one of the world’s most important architects. He contributed to the building and design of a modern world that brought humane, human-centred thinking to society in an era with challenges of uncertainty similar to those we face today. Partly for these reasons, Aalto is more relevant than ever. Alvar Aalto’s international role and clarifying his design philosophy are important. The Museum will increasingly be an international player that looks at the world in the spirit of Alvar Aalto as a global citizen, both in Finland and internationally,” Savolainen continues.
“Alongside developing its museum operations, the Foundation’s architectural-heritage work is now turning a new page. The Finnish government’s proposal to add a set of Aalto sites to the UNESCO World Heritage List strongly shifts the Finnish national emphasis towards an appreciation of modern architecture. If the proposal is approved by the World Heritage Committee in summer 2026, the Foundation will play a key role as coordinator between the stakeholders of the buildings and sites. Regardless of the nature of the decision, preparations for the new situation have to begin now,” says Tommi Lindh, CEO of the Alvar Aalto Foundation.
“The effects are manifold. Being on the World Heritage List will increase the general public’s interest in Aino, Elissa and Alvar Aalto’s architecture and design. In a broader sense, Aalto’s entire production and modern Scandinavian society will gain greater visibility,” Lindh continues.
The national museum responsible for Aalto’s architectural and design heritage came into being in 2020 with the new Museums Act. The Foundation’s role as responsible museum has become clearer and has subsequently taken in various new areas of activity. World Heritage status would bring with it more new tasks and service needs for preserving Aalto’s legacy. In this situation, the Foundation wants to be well prepared and to support the role of the various cities and actors as a part of World Heritage.
“The Foundation is one of the founders of the international Network of Aalto Cities, the network of Aalto schools, and the Council of Europe’s Alvar Aalto Route. These constitute important groundwork for the Foundation’s future activities as coordinator,” says Lindh.
There is a lot to be done, and Tommi Lindh, CEO of the Alvar Aalto Foundation, and Jukka Savolainen, the new Director of the Alvar Aalto Museum, feel that they are on the verge of a major new phase.
The Alvar Aalto Foundation ensures the preservation of architect and designer Alvar Aalto’s material and intellectual heritage and promotes awareness of the ideas behind Aalto’s work and design.
CEO Tommi Lindh
+358 44 562 1625
Museum Director Jukka Savolainen
+358 50 307 0455
Communications Manager Mirkka Vidgrén
+358 40 168 5142
Tietoja julkaisijasta
Alvar Aalto -säätiö toimii paremman arkiympäristön ja muotoilukulttuurin hyväksi lähtökohtanaan Alvar Aallon ja hänen elämäntyönsä humanistiset ja ekologiset arvot. Alvar Aalto -museo, säätiön osana, pitää yllä ja kartuttaa kokoelmiaan ja arkistojaan sekä tuottaa monipuolisia yleisön- ja asiantuntijapalveluita.
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