Gofore announced its updated growth strategy
Gofore's new growth strategy was announced today at the company's Capital Markets Day. Gofore’s Board of Directors approved the company's updated strategy, updated long-term financial targets, and strategy-derived changes to the Executive Management Team on 19 December 2024.
The material from the Capital Markets Day is available on Gofore's IR pages as a presentation as well as a recording of the event at: gofore.com/en/invest/releases-and-reports/reports-and-presentations/
Gofore's target is to continue its profitable growth from 2025 onwards. Gofore seeks growth from its strategic, continuously digitalizing sectors, Digital Society and Intelligent Industry, within which Gofore expands its customer base.
“Gofore is a growth company, and this is a growth strategy. The means of growth is a combination of existing strengths – expert, motivated Crew and long-standing, deep customer relationships – and the development of exceptional offering that creates value for customers”, says Gofore’s CEO Mikael Nylund.
Acquisitions in both Finland and abroad continue to be part of the growth strategy. Gofore has strategically chosen to continue and expand in Finland and German-speaking Europe (DACH region) as its geographical operating area. Gofore's goal is to build an organization and practices in the DACH region that can support growing the local business.
Gofore intends to keep growing in its strategic sectors, in which it is already strong. Furthermore, Gofore invests in growth especially in certain customer groups within the Digital Society and Intelligent Industry sectors.
Digital Society sector-specific growth streams are
- Public sector digitalisation
- Social and health industry in Finland
- Retail and services
- Overall security in Finland
Intelligent Industry sector-specific growth streams are
- Machines and devices
- Production and operations
- Automotive industry in DACH
Further information:
Mikael Nylund
Gofore Plc
Tel. +358 40 540 2280
Gofore is an international digital transformation consultancy with Finnish roots. We employ nearly 1,500 experts across 18 locations in Finland, Germany, Austria, Spain, and Estonia. With our technology and business expertise, we work for functional, secure and equal services for the digital society and sustainable solutions for the intelligent industry. Our diverse group of professionals share a pioneering ambition to create a more humane and responsible digital world. Our values guide our business: Gofore is a great workplace that thrives on customer success. In 2024, our net sales amounted to EUR 186,2 million. Gofore Plc’s share is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. in Finland. Our vision is to be the most significant digital transformation consultancy in Europe. Discover more about us at gofore.com
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