INVITATION for media: Press event for Draped – Art of Printed Fabrics exhibition on Tuesday, 11 Feb at 10 am at EMMA
The exhibition Draped will launch EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art’s 2025 exhibition programme with the art of printed fabrics by over 30 designers and artists. Simultaneously, Saastamoinen Foundation’s Dialogues exhibition will feature the film Dolle by Italian artist Diego Marcon. You are warmly welcome to attend the press conference!
We will present the Draped – Art of Printed Fabrics exhibition to the media on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 at 10 am at EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art. Media representatives are welcome to visit the exhibition from 9:30 am onwards. The event is arranged in Finnish.
During the press conference, the curator of the Draped exhibition, EMMA’s curator Aura Vilkuna, will introduce the exhibition. Artists Kaarina Kellomäki and Matti Pikkujämsä will share insights to their work with printed fabrics. The event will also include an address by EMMA’s Chief Curator of Collections, Henna Paunu. After the speeches, the media will have an opportunity to watch Dolle by Dieco Marcon (ca 30min) from the Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection.
Please send additional inquiries, interview requests and registrations to EMMA’s Chief Marketing Communications Specialist Iris Suomi by Monday 10 February.
Draped – Art of Printed Fabrics 12.2.2025–14.3.2027
Draped – Art of Printed Fabrics exhibition will wrap EMMA’s exhibition space in vibrant colours and fascinating patterns. It offers an inspiring exploration of fabrics as an art form that drapes our homes, clothing and memories.
From classics to more recent production, the exhibition features a curated selection of printed fabrics by over 30 artists and designers, spanning from the 1930s to the present day. Both hand-printed and industrially produced fabrics are showcased, blending artistic expression with technical innovation. The exhibition includes rare textiles by the designer couple Rut Bryk and Tapio Wirkkala, whose life’s work, from the Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation Collection, is permanently displayed in the surrounding Bryk & Wirkkala Visible Storage.
Draped – Art of Printed Fabric consists of work by: Jalmari Aarnio, Rut Bryk, Maija Fagerlund, Viola Gråsten, Pirkko Hammarberg, Saara Hirvisalo, Fujiwo Ishimoto, Maija Isola, Kaarina Kellomäki, Juhani Konttinen, Raili Konttinen, Emilia Kuurila, Maija Lavonen, Aino Marsio-Aalto, Marjatta Metsovaara, Vuokko Nurmesniemi, Matti Pikkujämsä, Markku Piri, Lena Rewell, Eero Rislakki, Jenni Rope, Maarit Salolainen, Pi (Ann-Mari) Sarpaneva, Timo Sarpaneva, Anna Semi, Howard Smith, Nana (Anneli) Suni, Eva Taimi, Anja Terho, Edward Terzibasiyan and Tapio Wirkkala. Also presented are pieces from Aalto University’s New Landscapes in Textile Design project.
Diego Marcon: Dolle 12.2.–7.9.2025
The main characters in Dolle (2023) are two moles and their sleeping offspring. The moles are animatronic puppets programmed to add up a series of 53 numbers. Despite their efforts to be precise, the moles keep arriving at a different sum each time, forcing them to start over again from scratch. Subtle cues such as a hooting owl and dripping tap illustrate the passage of time as the moles face a seemingly endless task.
Diego Marcon is an Italian contemporary artist who explores the language, narrative strategies and structure of cinema. Dispensing with spoken language and coherent narrative, his films often have their own visual logic based on repetition.
Iris SuomiChief Marketing Communications SpecialistEMMA – Espoon modernin taiteen museo
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INBJUDAN till media: Presskonferens för utställningen Draperat – Konst av tryckta tyger, tisdagen den 11 februari kl. 10 på EMMA28.1.2025 14:35:00 EET | Pressinbjudan
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