Admicom: Change in the content of financial reporting
Unofficial translation of the company release on March 12, 2025 at 1:30 p.m. EET. In case the document differs from the original, the Finnish version prevails.
Admicom Oyj ("Admicom" or the "Company") expands the content of its financial reporting for the first (Q1) and third (Q3) quarters as of Q1/2025 reporting. As a result of the change, the company will publish financial reports for Q1 and Q3 that correspond to the content of half-year reporting, and the reports will be named interim reports. The change is based on the company's desire to provide investors with more extensive information in connection with quarterly releases.
As a result of the change, the business reviews for the first and third quarters will be expanded into interim reports, which include, in addition to key figures and the CEO's review, explanations of the earnings trend and financial position of the current financial year and the latest quarter, as well as the Group's income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity.
The change will not affect Admicom's financial reporting schedules.
According to the previously announced schedule, Admicom will publish its financial reports in 2025 as follows:
Interim Report Q1, 9 April 2025 at approximately 8:00 a.m. EET
Half-Year Financial Report H1, 8 July 2025 at approximately 8:00 a.m. EET
Interim Report Q3, 9 October 2025 at approximately 8:00 a.m. EET
Additional information:
Satu Helamo
+358 45 633 7710
Certified advisor:
Oaklins Finland Ltd
+358 09 612 9670
Admicom Oyj
Founded in 2004, Admicom is a pioneer in digitalisation of the construction industry. We utilise our expertise by developing software solutions covering the entire construction value chain as well as services supporting our customers' operations. Our understanding of the operating methods and digitalisation needs of the construction industry is strong, and our goal is to significantly enhance the productivity and quality of operations in the construction industry through our software.
Our ERP solution offers the construction industry the only comprehensive solution in Finland that serves the management of companies' operations, finances and projects through one seamless solution. Our project management product suite provides industry-leading solutions for managing the entire lifecycle of a building.
Our company has around 300 employees in Finland, in Jyväskylä, Helsinki, Tampere, Oulu, Seinäjoki and Turku, as well as in our office in Tartu, Estonia. More information:
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