Digital Workforce Services Oyj

Robot Identifies Frequent Visitors in the Emergency Department of Pirkanmaa Wellbeing Services County and Directs Investigations Into Underlying Causes


Pirkanmaa Wellbeing Services County has introduced a robotic solution to automatically identify frequent visitors in its emergency department (ED). The solution, implemented in early February, enables the efficient referral of these patients to primary care to investigate underlying causes and assess care needs. The automation helps to enhance the quality of care while optimizing resource utilization in the ED.

Effective workload management in the emergency department (ED) is essential for timely patient care. To support this, the Pirkanmaa Services County employs a model that identifies frequent visitors —patients with more than five ED visits in the past year. For these patients, a follow-up request is sent to primary care to investigate potential underlying causes and ensure appropriate care coordination.

The manual identification process has been time-consuming, with checks conducted amidst other urgent tasks whenever nurses have the time. As a result, screenings have not been consistently performed. For a frequent visitor patient, not being identified can mean that the non-urgent underlying causes of their care needs are not adequately investigated.

The automated solution, introduced in early February, screens all ED registrations to identify frequent visitors, ensuring every patient is picked up. Once identified, the nursing staff requests separate authorization from the patient to send a follow-up request to primary care.

Results achieved already in the first month

In the first month, nearly 7,000 patients have gone through the process, with 10% identified as frequent visitors. Of these, 6% have been referred to primary care with the patient's consent. Primary care conducts follow-ups within two weeks to assess their care needs and ensure appropriate treatment.

"We place great emphasis on the systematic identification of all frequent visitors to ensure they receive appropriate follow-up in primary care based on their actual needs. In a fast-paced emergency department, there is often little opportunity to investigate the non-urgent underlying causes of symptoms. By following up these patients in primary care, their needs can be addressed through suitable services, helping to prevent repeated ED visits. The time saved through automated screening also allows emergency room nurses to focus on the most acute patients," says Noora Tulivuo, Specialist Planner overseeing the project at Pirkanmaa Wellbeing Services County.

An essential piece of the puzzle in long-term development

The identification, guidance and care of frequent visitors has been an important area of development in Pirkanmaa Wellbeing Services County for several years. The newly implemented automation solution marks another step toward more efficient and patient-centered service.

We are delighted to support the Wellbeing Services County in this important development. The collaboration has been seamless throughout the project, and we look forward to continuing our partnership to help achieve Pirkanmaa’s goals and further enhance patient care," says Marja Heikkinen, Wellbeing Services County Account Manager, Digital Workforce.

For more information:

Marja Heikkinen
Key Account Manager
Digital Workforce Services Plc

About Digital Workforce Services Plc

Digital Workforce Services Plc is a leader in business automation and technology solutions. Its Outsmart platform and services, including Enterprise AI Agent solutions, empower organizations to transform knowledge work, reduce costs, accelerate digitalization, enhance customer experiences, and strengthen their competitive edge. Over 200 large international organizations rely on the company’s services to drive transformation through automation. Digital Workforce has particular expertise in automating healthcare and social care pathways, advancing long-term condition follow-up, improving patient safety, and enhancing the productivity of healthcare professionals. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce employs over 200 business automation specialists across the US, UK & Ireland, and Northern and Central Europe. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.


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