
FinnSec 2023 fair addresses security environment challenges with its program

The program for FinnSec 2023, the exhibition for security technology and services in Finland, has been released. The topical sessions delve into security from the perspectives of education and work, preparedness and risk management as well as smart technology. FinnSec 2023 will be held on 11–12 Oct, in conjunction with the Turvallisuus 2023, the professional event in the fire and rescue industry for the first time.

The world's instability highlights the importance of preparedness, which is conveyed in the main theme of the event, "A Safer Future." Additionally, the program is divided into three sub-themes: growth through digitalisation, preparedness and risk management, and the future employer.

According to Anssi Kuusela, Key Partnership Manager at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, the perception of the security industry is commonly associated with security guarding, even though there are more job opportunities related to technology development and installation in the field. Kuusela is part of the event's program committee.

"The pace of change in the industry is so rapid that we find it important to include content in the program specifically for career changers and students," says Kuusela.

Intelligent technologies and pervasive digitalisation are transforming the industry

The FinnSec 2023 program offers a wide range of topics on security technology and a secure future, ranging from surveillance to the design of intelligent buildings, as well as practical aspects of personal safety such as managing harassment and targeting situations. A panel discussion on October 12th will focus on the requirements set by the digital transformation for the built environment. EK, the Confederation of Finnish Industries on the other hand, sees security policy increasingly as trade policy, which will be discussed by Kim Mattsson (EK) at the event.

"After a long and exceptional period, we are experiencing larger and more diverse security industry exhibition ever. Digitalisation and artificial intelligence are increasingly integrated into the design and implementation phases of security systems. At FinnSec, we will learn how security can be best integrated into overall property management," says Joona Vuorenpää, Executive Director of Finnsecurity ry.

In addition to these two events, the biggest property fair in Finland, Kiinteistö 2023 and AudioVisualExpo 2023 will also take place at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre simultaneously.

FinnSec 2023 and Turvallisuus 2023 will be held from Wednesday to Thursday, 11–12 Oct 2023, at Messukeskus in Helsinki. The events are open from 9 am to 4 pm, and on the opening day, there will be an After Work event from 4 pm to 7 pm. Visitors can register for both events free of charge. FinnSec 2023 is organized by Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on behalf of Finnsecurity ry, and Turvallisuus is organized on behalf of the Finnish Association of fire-fighting enterprises in Finland. LinkedIn: #FinnSec2023

For more information, please contact: Anu-Eveliina Mattila, tel. 050 555 6183,



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