The Children’s Museum Festival goes online this year – The programme invites children to a space odyssey with Sisidisko and ventriloquist Sari Aalto

Captain Futuro has landed his ship and brought his cosmic friends from space with him to entertain festival guests with musical performances and workshops. The weekend includes four festival broadcasts, in addition to a range of activities on the festival website inviting to join the space odyssey. These activities can be carried out whenever the space travellers feel like it. The festival promises a weekend full of action and a festive atmosphere.
The live festival broadcasts showcase Sisidisko, led by Vuokko Hovatta and Kalle Chydenius, performing their new Disco Rocket show. Ventriloquist Sari Aalto’s Cosmic Show, features Simpanssi-Anssi and Oskari Olematon, familiar faces from social media. Space Odyssey also includes a tour of WeeGee Exhibition Centre by Captain Futuro, showing numerous activities that can be tried at home.
The workshops include using items found at home, taking a picture of your toy taking a gravity-free space flight, gazing at stars with self-made telescopes and learning to measure time through playful means. Before Sisidisko’s musical performance Disco Rocket invites to dance, the festival attendees can warm up by tuning in to a space odyssey tale told by Töt, who has arrived from cone planet.
The approximately 1-hour festival broadcast takes place again on Saturday 6 March at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and on Sunday 7 March at 12 noon and 2 p.m. Choose the most suitable time for you and join the space odyssey. The broadcast can be followed on the festival site.
At Space Odyssey, we respect the bearing capacity of the Earth. We want to make sure that our planet has a future. The workshops and props of the festival make use of recycled materials, and we encourage all our festival guests to do the same.
The Children’s Museum Festival is arranged by operators of the WeeGee Exhibition Centre: EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, KAMU – Espoo City Museum, The Finnish Museum of Horology and The Finnish Toy Museum Hevosenkenkä. Collaboration partners include Espoo School of Art and Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth. The event is sponsored by Vahanen Oy.
Asta TeräväinenMarkkinointiviestinnän suunnittelija / Marketing Communications Designer

About EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art
EMMA – Espoon modernin taiteen museon kokoelma- ja näyttelytoiminta profiloituu kotimaiseen ja kansainväliseen modernismiin, nykytaiteeseen sekä designiin. EMMA sijaitsee Espoon Tapiolassa, professori Aarno Ruusuvuoren suunnittelemassa betoniarkkitehtuuria edustavassa Näyttelykeskus WeeGeessä. Näyttelytilat ovat pinta-alaltaan Suomen suurimmat, ja pelkistetty moderni arkkitehtuuri tukee EMMAn, Saastamoisen säätiön ja Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Säätiön kokoelmien sekä vaihtuvien näyttelyiden kokemuksellista esittämistä. Tervetuloa!
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INVITATION for media: Press event for exhibitions Karin Hellman and Arte Povera – A New Chapter on Tuesday, 8 April at 10 am in EMMA25.3.2025 14:00:00 EET | Press invitation
Two new exhibitions are opening at EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art. The first major museum exhibition of Karin Hellman will showcase the artist’s diverse art that experiments with various materials and techniques. Hellman’s work draws parallels with the Arte Povera – A New Chapter exhibition opening simultaneously in the adjacent space. The exhibition celebrates the expressive power of simple materials in the works of both contemporary artists and contemporaries of the movement. Welcome to the press event!
INBJUDAN till media: Presskonferens för utställningarna Karin Hellman och Arte povera – Ett nytt kapitel, tisdagen den 8 april kl. 10 på EMMA25.3.2025 14:00:00 EET | Pressinbjudan
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KUTSU medialle: Karin Hellman ja Arte povera – Uusi luku -näyttelyiden tiedotustilaisuus ti 8.4.2025 klo 10.00 EMMAssa25.3.2025 14:00:00 EET | Kutsu
EMMA – Espoon modernin taiteen museossa avautuu kaksi uutta näyttelyä. Luvassa on Karin Hellmanin ensimmäinen merkittävä museonäyttely, joka esittelee taiteilijan monipuolista, eri materiaaleilla ja tekniikoilla leikittävää taidetta. Hellmanin tuotanto linkittyy viereisessä tilassa samanaikaisesti avautuvaan Arte povera – Uusi luku -näyttelyyn, joka juhlistaa yksinkertaisten materiaalien ilmaisuvoimaa niin nykytekijöiden kuin arte povera -taidesuuntauksen syntyaikoina työskennelleiden taiteilijoiden tuotannoissa. Tervetuloa tiedotustilaisuuteen!
Danish Royal Couple Visited EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art5.3.2025 13:00:00 EET | Press release
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Tanskan kuningaspari vieraili EMMA – Espoon modernin taiteen museossa5.3.2025 13:00:00 EET | Tiedote
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