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Buster Boats

Buster Boats

Buster Boats is the largest designer and manufacturer of aluminium boats in Europe. The majority of the more than 130,000 aluminium boats we have launched on the world’s waters over the past almost 70 years are still in use. Buster is part of Yamaha Motor Europe. 

Tiedotteen tyyppi

Buster aktualisiert das Cabin-Sortiment um das neue stilvolle Magnum Cabin21.1.2022 10:52:27 EET | Press release

Buster aktualisiert sein Cabin-Sortiment. Die neueste Ergänzung ist das Buster Magnum Cabin, ein stilvolles, komfortables und einfach zu handhabendes Boot für alle Wetterbedingungen, das für bis zu acht Personen ausgelegt ist. Die Magnum Cabin ist ein praktisches Boot für lange Bootssaisonen, das direkt, nachdem das Eis geschmolzen ist, im Frühling bis zum darauffolgenden Winter genutzt werden kann.

Buster uppdaterar de legendariska Magnum-båtarna14.10.2021 10:58:49 EEST | Pressmeddelande

Buster Magnum, en legend bland stora öppna båtar, förnyas till säsongen 2022. De nya Buster Magnum och Buster SuperMagnum blir ännu snyggare och mer funktionella. Stor vikt har lagts på att förbättra ergonomin och sikten för föraren, samt komforten för passagerarna. Konsolerna har fått helt ny design och de nya, mer vertikala vindrutorna förbättrar sikten samtidigt som de erbjuder passagerarna bättre vindskydd.

Buster updates legendary Magnum models for 202214.10.2021 10:58:48 EEST | Press release

The Buster Magnum, a true legend among large open boats, is being updated for 2022. The new Magnum and SuperMagnum models have been designed to be even more stylish and functional. Special attention has been paid to ergonomics and visibility for the skipper, as well as passenger comfort. The consoles have been completely redesigned, and the new, more vertical windscreens further improve visibility while protecting also the rear of the passenger area.

Buster introduces specially equipped VMAX Edition models5.2.2021 09:15:16 EET | Pressmeddelande

The next new Buster models for the 2021 boating season are the sporty and rapid VMAX Edition versions of the popular Buster XL and Buster XXL models. These fast-paced and all-aluminium open boats have been given a boost from high-performance Yamaha V MAX SHO outboards. The equipment has also been expanded with the addition of a larger 16” Buster Q smart display, which previously has not been available on models smaller than the Buster Magnum.
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Buster Boats is the largest designer and manufacturer of aluminium boats in Europe. The majority of the more than 130,000 aluminium boats we have launched on the world’s waters over the past almost 70 years are still in use. Buster is part of Yamaha Motor Europe. 

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