A new service innovation to improve customer experience
Nordic TeleCom (NTC) and Smilee have signed a co-operation agreement concerning a new owerflow management concept. Chat overflow is now integrated to NTC Service Portal for the first time. This is a true Finnish service innovation, for the first time, the combination of overflowed calls and unanswered chat can be acted upon. The new service concept is available now.
“The idea for the co-operation is excellent” says Teuvo Karppinen, Smilee CEO. “The initiative came from one of our common customers. NTC provides overflow service not only to telephone calls but also to unanswered chat messages. This means that the contacting customer can be handled by callback functionality in both channels even during the rush hours.”
“Our co-operation can be seen as a competitive advantage for both of us” comments Jarkko Ruuskanen NTC CEO. “The new co-operation helps meeting challenging service situations and helps our customers to solve them”. As the most frequently used service channels are still telephone calls and chat, this unique combination brings valuable tools for the customer centric organisations.
More info:
Jarkko Ruuskanen
+358 44 9067402
Teuvo Karppinen
Smilee, CEO
+358 40 552 8702
About Nordic Telecom
Nordic Telecom Oy (NTC) offers a call management service to help to pick up all unanswered calls. Better customer service eliminates queuing and you can focus on your core business. The service is a cloud based service (SaaS) thus technology-, platform- and operator independent, and can easily be integrated to existing telephone system.
More info: Jarkko Ruuskanen, NTC CEO, +358 44 9067402 www.nordictelecom.fi
Smilee is a fast growing chat provider and a leading car sales chat partner in Finland. Smilee connects online experts with your customers who need service. Smilee chat and high quality customer service will increase sales and conversion on your website.
More info: Teuvo Karppinen, Smilee, CEO, +358 40 552 8702 www.smilee.io
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