Nordic Healthcare Group Oy

NHG acquires health and social care digitalisation specialist Salivirta & Partners

Fast-growing company Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) expands its operations by acquiring Finland-based Salivirta & Partners (formally Salivirta Oy), a well-known advisory organisation specialising in digital transformations in the health and social care sector. Salivirta’s solid expertise and experience in health and social care service design, information management, enterprise architecture and digitalisation of health and social care processes further strengthens NHG’s expertise and, thus, enables NHG to offer even more extensive services and solutions to its clients in the field of health and social care in Finland and the Nordics. After the acquisition, NHG employs around 200 people.

“NHG’s aim is to accelerate its growth in the Nordics. Health and social care digitalisation is a strategic focus areafor us. Onboarding Salivirta’s experienced and respected professionals to NHG further strengthens our position as a strategic consultancy partner for our clients. Digitalisation-related competences will be in great demand in the future and, thus, joining our forces enables us to serve our clients even better. This is particularly important in Finland where we are currently undergoing a social and healthcare reform. I’m excited to welcome Salivirta’s top experts to NHG’s team”, NHG’s Group CEO Vesa Kämäräinen commented.

Salivirta & Partners has deep expertise in service design, information management, enterprise architecture and information system design. Being an independent and trusted advisor, Salivirta has also led numerous public procurements. Salivirta is a trusted advisor for national authorities, public healthcare and welfare providers as well as private health and social care providers.

Salivirta & Partners' turnover in fiscal 2021 exceeds 3 MEUR. It employs 25 experienced professionals and operates in six locations in Finland. Salivirta’s stockholders will continue to work for the company and, as a part of the transaction, will become shareholders in NHG. The parties have agreed not to publish further details of the transaction. From this day on, Salivirta & Partners will operate under Nordic Healthcare Group’s brand. The intent is to consolidate the company into NHG during next year. This transaction radically expands NHG’s office network in Finland: from now on, NHG has offices in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Oulu, Kuopio, Jyväskylä, Kouvola and Riihimäki. NHG has offices also in Copenhagen and Stockholm.

”At Salivirta & Partners, we have a track record of 15 years of success. As Finnish health and social care reform is now finally proceeding to implementation, there is more demand for our services than ever before. In our recent strategy update, the plan was to move on as an independent company, but in the end, NHG convinced us that joining forces is the right thing to do. After all, we have acknowledged NHG as an undisputed leader in its business –– and this is also how we see ourselves. Now, by joining two industry leaders, the result will, without a doubt, be excellent”, Salivirta’s CEO Jouko Kuisma commented.




Tietoja julkaisijasta

Nordic Healthcare Group Oy
Nordic Healthcare Group Oy
Vattuniemenranta 2
00210 Helsinki

Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) is a Finnish company founded in 2004. NHG is specialising in supporting quality services for social- and healthcare in Nordics. Our clients include hospital districts, national and regional public organisations, municipalities, private service providers, pharmaceutical companies, private equity investors and healthcare technology companies. We employ 200 experienced professionals and young talents.

Salivirta & Partners (Salivirta Oy) is Finnish company founded in 2007, employs 25 consultant and is owned by its staff. Salivirta is an independent advisor of digitalization transformation for health and social care. Our experienced consultants share a passion, expertise and deep understanding of our customers in health and social care.

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