Polarica’s Piotr Stapurewicz to Coordinate the Company’s New Sustainability Program
Polarica Berry Group has entrusted Business Analyst Piotr Stapurewicz with the management of the company’s new Sustainability Program. The program aims to minimize environmental impacts, enhance supply chain transparency, promote ethical business practices, and advance social responsibility.
To operationalize the sustainability program, Polarica has formed new cross-functional working groups, integrating members from top management and various departments who are tasked with developing effective tools for achieving sustainable objectives.
Impactful Role Motivates
In the past six months, Mr Stapurewicz has coordinated internal initiatives and collaborated with an external team of experts. His role involves working closely with the executive leadership and engaging with all departments to implement goals aligned with the principles of sustainable development.
“What motivates me in this role is the realization that sustainability permeates every aspect of our company's operations, exerting a tangible impact on both external and internal stakeholders. Our objective is to establish the best practices, highest standards, and to be a forerunner in the berry business,” says Stapurewicz.
Key Milestones on Environmental and Social Responsibility
In 2023 Polarica officially committed to the Science Based Targets initiative, setting both near and long-term targets, and aiming for net-zero emissions by 2035. The company also initiated the implementation of the ISO14001 environmental standard, emphasizing a systematic approach to environmental issues.
Continuing Polarica’s commitment to transparency, the company will provide a comprehensive view of the entire value chain, strengthening collaboration with suppliers to ensure transparency, uphold human rights, and mitigate risks.
Mari OnkamoCEOPolarica Berry Group
Puh:+358 503 586 054mari.onkamo@polarica.comKuvat
Polarica Berry Group
Polarica Berry Group is a Nordic provider of wild-berries and fruit-based products. We aspire to be a beacon of positive change in the berry industry through visionary leadership in sustainability, technology, and customer-centricity. Polarica has operations in 3 countries, employs over 200 people and has headquarter in Haparanda, Sweden.
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