A cry for help for the environment: “Humanity is doomed” - Young people’s concerns about future need to be attended to
The eco-crisis and uncertainty about the future cast a shadow over the mental wellbeing of young people. Research studies show that as many as 75 percent of them consider future to be daunting and 56 percent think that humanity is doomed. The awareness campaign “Let’s face the eco-crisis together” starts on 4th March 2024. The aspiration of the campaign is to make young people’s worries visible to all, to challenge adults to face these emotions and thoughts and to assure young people that they will not be left alone with their worries. Young people’s concerns of the future shall not be ignored anymore.
We asked young people about their future visions in our social media channels. The answers were shocking. Many young people do not believe that the world could be saved anymore. “Humanity is doomed”, said one of the respondents to the inquiry.
Young people’s worries are not unfounded. Global warming, biodiversity loss, overconsumption of natural resources, among other manifestations of the eco-crisis, will make a huge impact in their life and future.
”Young people’s emotions and thoughts are real. They need to be taken seriously. We are talking about issues having a direct impact on their well-being, everyday life and future planning, things like studies, career or family planning”, says project specialist Taneli Saari who works in the project The Eco-crisis, our Future and Mental Health.
The eco-crisis and the frightening future cause various emotions in all of us. Young people may feel small, insignificant and powerless in the face of vast environmental problems. It can feel overwhelming.
“Young people need support for coping with difficult environmental emotions like uncertainty, grief, fear, anger, guilt, frustration, anxiety, and also on how to maintain mental health in a stressful situation like this”, says project specialist Hanna Rintala. She continues:
“We know from experience that facing and processing difficult feelings will be helpful to young people. At best, this will help us to regain mental resources and to go for a sustainable, desired future that is in line with our own values.”
Let’s face the eco-crisis together
The harmful mental health impacts of the eco-crisis have already been identified but support structures are still insufficient in our society. Almost one third of Finnish young people experienced that they were dismissed when they wanted to talk about environmental issues. It is up to adults to allow young people to be heard and seen with their worries. The eco-crisis is something that should be faced together. This campaign is meant to convince young people that we are ready to face the eco-crisis together with them. No one shall be left alone.
The awareness campaign “Let’s face the environmental crisis together” is active between 4th and 17th March. We warmly welcome you to join by sharing campaign messages on social media. We also encourage you to express attention and emotional presence to young people close to you who are potentially experiencing anxiety about the state of the world.
The Eco-Crisis, Our Future and Mental Health project (2023-2025)
Ecoanxiety or environmental anxiety is a term used to describe the often-burdensome feelings and emotions related to global environmental problems and threats. Climate anxiety is also often used as a synonym. In the project The Eco-crisis, our Future and Mental Health we offer individual support and guidance, self-paced exercises, and peer group activities. In addition, we run workshops and trainings about youth eco-anxiety for parents, volunteers and professionals.
The Eco-crisis, our Future and Mental Health project (2023-2025) is carried out by Tunne ry, Nyyti ry and MIELI Mental Health Finland. STEA, the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations in Finland, provides funding for the project.
Kia Löfberg
viestinnän suunnittelija
MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry
p. 040 079 7802
Taneli Saari
toiminnanjohtaja, asiantuntija
Tunne ry
p. 050 388 6200
Hanna Rintala
Nyyti ry
p. 050 553 1558
Ympäristötunteiden tutkija:
Panu Pihkala
dosentti, tutkijatohtori
Helsingin yliopisto
p. 050 318 5785
MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry tekee työtä mielenterveyden edistämiseksi ja ongelmien ehkäisemiseksi. MIELI ry puolustaa kaikkien yhtäläistä oikeutta hyvään mielenterveyteen. Järjestö koordinoi valtakunnallisen kriisikeskusverkoston toimintaa sekä edistää lasten, nuorten, työikäisten ja ikääntyneiden mielenterveyttä ja mielen hyvinvointia.
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Lue lisää julkaisijalta MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry
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