Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu VAMK

Vaasa Campus Festival - the joint opening festival of all university students in Vaasa kicks off the academic year


Vaasa Campus Festival warmly welcomes both new and returning university students to the city and the new academic year, now for the fifth time. The event, held on September 11th, gathers all university students studying in Vaasa to celebrate the start of the academic year together at the Vaasa market square.

Performer on stage addresses a large crowd at Vaasa Campus Festival.
Vaasa Campus Festival is organised for the fifth time. Satu Aaltonen/ VAMK

On the event day, the city center of Vaasa will be filled with students as the festival area at the market square opens its gates starting at 16:30. All universities operating in Vaasa are involved in organising the academic year’s opening festival: Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, University of Vaasa, Hanken, Novia, Åbo Akademi, and the University of Helsinki, along with their student unions and the City of Vaasa. The event is free and open to everyone interested. The entire festival area is a licensed venue, which means it has an 18+ age limit.

“The event has been successfully organised four times, so now it’s time to start calling it a tradition. Vaasa is a student city, and we want it to be visible and heard as joy on the streets of our city. The event aims to welcome students back to the city and student life after the summer,” says Sami Korpela, event specialist at the Student Union VAMOK of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, and adds with a wink, “see you at the square!”

International and Finnish top artists on stage

The evening’s program will feature both international and Finnish top artists. The artists have been selected to best serve the entire university community, regardless of their language of study. The afternoon will kick off with DJ Okki, well known to the party crowd from Vaasa’s nightclubs, and rising rap artist Jokrates, known from the YouTube channel “Iha Just Imus.”

Later in the evening, multiplatinum-streaming Finnish star Cledos and Swedish viral rap sensation VC Barre will take the stage. The evening will culminate with the much-anticipated performance of Danish DJ megastar Martin Jensen, who has amassed over 3 billion streams on Spotify.

Event area full of fun activities

As in previous years, the area will feature various activities, from a bouncy castle to a sumo wrestling area. The festival area will also offer community activities organized by other partners, such as a wheel of fortune, various speed games, and raffles for everyone to try.

“It’s easy to enjoy yourself on the grounds even between the performing artists! And we haven’t forgotten those who get hungry, as familiar dill macaroni from Vaasa’s nightlife will be available,” Korpela mentions.

Based on previous years, thousands of students are expected to attend the event to soak up the festival atmosphere. The entrance to the festival area is located at the lower square, near the Citymarket corner.

“It’s worth arriving early, as the first 2,500 visitors will receive the coveted Vaasa Campus Festival overall patch,” Korpela hints.

Vaasa Campus Festival program on Wednesday 11.09.2024

Place: Vaasa market square

16.30 The gates of the event area are opened

16.40 DJ Okki

17.30 Jokrates

18.45 VC Barre

20.15 Cledos

22.00 Martin Jensen

23.00 Headliner finishes and the area closes




Performer on stage addresses a large crowd at Vaasa Campus Festival.
Vaasa Campus Festival is organised for the fifth time.
Satu Aaltonen/ VAMK

VAMK is a modern and international University of Applied Sciences situated in Vaasa. Western Finland. We provide high-level theoretical and practical oriented education in Finnish and in English, both at Bachelor level as well as professional Master´s degree level.

VAMK has over 3 700 students and out of them around 350 are international degree students. More than 45 different nationalities are represented at VAMK. 

Our university is located in the heart of Vaasa, which has more energy technology related companies than any other city in the Nordic countries. In our region, more than 160 companies work in the field of energy technology, and about 25 % of the employees of the Finnish energy sector work here. The overall turnover of these companies is about 5 billion euros annually, and therefore it is well justified to say that Vaasa keeps the wheels of Finland's economy rolling!

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